No.1, March 2003
Preface / TATEISHI Hirotaka, FUJII Takeshi
"The Plan for the 21st Century of Excellence (COE) Program, 'the Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies' :What Does the Program Plan to Achieve?"
[Special Sessions]
Round-table Take: "Establishment of the Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies" (1 February 2003)
Symposium: "Asia and Africa Area Studies and Historical Materials: the State of the Art and its Current Topics" (22 March 2003)
Keynote Address / FUJII Takeshi
"Constructing an Asia-Pacific Archives Network" :from the Viewpoint of Archival Science / ANDO Masahito
"Asian Historical Materials and Relevant Networks within Japan" / MATSUMOTO Syusaku
"Collection Development and Acquisition of Vernacular Language Materials at the Center for the Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University" / KITAMURA Yumi
"Problems in Achieving Collabolation for Collecting Materials Written in Local Languages" / SAITO Teruko
"The Role of Libraries and Librarians for the 21st Century Centre of Excellence (COE) Program" / UCHIJIMA Hideki
Plenary Discussion
An Interim Report on Oral Archives in Various Countries
Bibliographical Notes of Local and Indigenous Documents in Asia
"The Huizhou Deeds and Contracts in China" / USUI Sachiko
"Documents of Konbaung Period in Burma, Thet-Kayi" / SAITO Teruko
"Javanese Manuscripts Written in Arabic Letters, Pégon" / SUGAHARA Yumi
"Documents held in the Ottoman Archives of the Turkish Prime Minister's Office" / HAYASHI Kayoko
"Historical Documents of the Qing Era Preserved in the National Central Archives of Mongolia :the Catalogue of Archival Fonds" / FUTAKI Hiroshi
"Documents of the Tax Office in the Early Modern Japan, Minato-Jhubusho" / YOSHIDA Yuriko
[Activity Reports]

No.2, September 2003
[Special Sessions] Symposium: "Hearing Vanishing Voices, Seeing Invisible Things: the Potential of Oral History and Problems with our Archives" (15 March 2003)
Keynote Address / FUJII Takeshi
About this Special Session / NOMOTO Kyoko
"The role of interview experiences in life history" / SAKURAI Atsushi
"My experience with oral history and the potential of its development in Japan" / SAKAI Junko
"Methods of visual oral histories in wartime and colonial contexts (with an introduction to archives in Singapore and Malaysia)" / NAKAO Tomoyo
"Women's history and oral history" / ORII Miyako
"Just who is a historian? On radical oral history" / HOKARI Minoru
"Unsettled first words: questioning the nature of dialogue in the practice life history" / KURAISHI Ichiro
Pleanary Discussions and Summary
Submitted Paper: "Re-using qualitative research data: a personal account" / Paul THOMPSON (Translated by SAKAI Junko)
Examing Our Work of Collecting Public Documents about the History of Relations between South Asia and Japan
"Determining the location of undiscovered volumes of Nichi-In Kyokai Kaiho (Journal of the Indo-Japanese Association)" / MATSUMOTO Shusaku
Reports on Oral Archives in Various Countires
"Reports on oral Archives in various countries" / NOMOTO Kyoko
"Organisations in Cambodia involved in the collection and preservation of historical materials: focusing on key collection centres for oral materials" / TERAUCHI Kazuo
Bibliographical Notes on Local and Indigenous Documents in Asia
"Sundanese manuscripts: their existence, functions, and contents" / Edi. S. EKADJATI
"Manchu and Mongolian documents stored at the National Central Archives of Mongolia: the fond of documents concering the Office of the Manchu Amban stationed at Khuree" / MIYAWAKI Junko
"On archival documents of the Ministory of War (Bingbu) in the Ming Dynasty related to Mongolian history in the first half of the 17th Century" / Borjigidai OYUNBILIG
"Documents about Noro (priestesses) in the Amami Islands: 16th to 19th Centuries" / TAKASU Yumiko
[Activity Reports]

No.3, March 2004
[Special Sessions]
Symposium: "The Changing World System and Redifining 'Area Studies'" (4, 5 October 2003)
The Symposium Plan
Opening Remarks The Changing World System and Redifining Area Studies / UEMURA Tadao
Imperialism and Area Studies
Report 1 An investigation of the transition form Colonial Politics to Area Studies / USUKI Akira
Report 2 Problems of post 'Post-Socialism' / SAHARA Tetsuya
Report 3 Analysis of 'Empire' by Negri and Hardt / MIZUSHIMA Kazunori
Commentator YONETANI Masashi, NAKAYAMA Chikako
Deconstructing the General Idea of 'Culture'
Report 1 SARS from an intellectual-historical perspective / Sun Ge
Report 2 Rethinking 'Imagined Communities' / IGUCHI Yufu
Report 3 Ethnography-in-Transit: "Ethnographic Writing" as Social Process / OTA Yoshinobu
Commentator IWASAKI Minoru, FUJII Takeshi, MAJIMA Ichiro
Collecting Source Materials about the History of South Asia-Japan Relations: Reporting Work-in-Progress
"Newly Acquired Journals on Indo-Japanese Relations" / MATSUMOTO Shusaku
Reports on Oral Archives in Various Countries
"Making Good Use of Recording Data: the Yuho-Bunko Materials, Research Institute for Oriental Cultures, Gakushuin University / KAWA Kaoru
Bibliographical Notes on Local and Indigenous Documents in Asia
"The Palm-Leaf Manuscripts of Wat Mahathat, Yasothon Province, Thailand" / IIJIMA Akiko
"Rediscovering Historical Information of Hidden Written Heritage" / SAKAMOTO Isamu
?Supplementary Article? Application analysis of DNA of Daluwang manuscript in Indonesia / OSHIMA Miho
"Rotating Credit Society Contracts of Huizhou in Qing and the Republic of China" / Xiong Yuan Bao
"Forestry Contracts Drawn up by a Minority People in China: contracts on forest management by the Miao of Guizhou" / Christian Daniels
The Formation of the C-DATS Digital Library
"Creative Collaboration: The TUFS Library, Information Processing Centre and the Digital Library Project for C-DATS" / KATO Satsuki
COE Special Event: Summary of Public Lectures
"Identity, Strife, Community / Nation: A South Asian Perspective" / Anil Sethi
[Activity Reports]

No.4, September 2004
[Special Sessions]
Symposium: "Thinking Malayness" (19-21 June 2004)
Welcoming Note
Opening Adress / MIYAZAKI Koji
• Session 1 Defining the Malay World
Malay, Malayness and Malay Studies: An Organizational Response / Shamsul A. B.
Movement, Shifting Identities and the Imagination / Cynthia Chou
Malay and Malayness in the Cyberspace / Rizal Yusoff
The Lands below the Winds that is called Malay World / Riwanto Tirtosudarmo
• Session 2 Malay Identity: Continuity and Transformation
Old and New Aspects of Malayness in the Contemporary Dunia Melayu Movement / TOMIZAWA Hisao
Reviving Serumpun Identity across the Straits of Malacca / Nathalie Fau
Music and the Cline of Malayness / Geoffrey Benjamin
• Session 3 Historical Perspective on Malayness
Rethinking Malay Relationship: Rulers and Kinship Groups / Leonard Andaya
The Concept of Orang Melayu in Malay Port-Polities: a Case of the 18th Century Johor-Riau Sultanate / NISHIO Kanji
• Session 4 Ethnic Minorities and the Nation-State
Ethnic Consciousness of Malays in Sri Lanka: Some Observations / Suwarn Vajracharya
"Problematic Singapore Malays": The Making of a Portrayal / Suriani Suratman
Malay and Malayness in the Malaysian State Reconsidered: The Madurese at the Margin / Fauzi Sukimi
Malayness in the Philippines: A View from the Margin of the Malay World / TOKORO Ikuya
• Session 5 Malayness at the Crossroads
Living in Malay World: Practices at a Chinese School on the Thai-Malaysian Border / TAKAMURA Kazue
Nau dok pehe nayu (Malay doesn't understand Malay): The Travail of being Malay in Thailand / Saroja Dorairajoo
Gender Moralities and Religious Discourse in Southern Thailand / NISHII Ryoko
• Session 6 Ethnic Consciousness and Indigenism in Contested Spaces
Ethnicity and Class in Times of Crisis: Labourers and Businessmen in Central Java, Indonesia / Mario Rutten
Melayu, Indigenism and 'the Civilizing Process': Claims and Entitlements in Contested Territories / Vivienne Wee
History and Identity of the Melayu Sambas / Pabali
• Session 7 Representing Malayness in Cultural Production and Practices
Dialectical Nature of Cultural Production: The Case of Mamanda Theatre / Ninuk Kleden
Modern Flowers: Female Film Stars and the Creation of a Post-Colonial Malay Identity / Timothy Barnard
Malayness in Indonesian Literature / Hendrick Majer
Pencak and Silat in the Malay World: Socio-Ethnical and Offensive Character of the Malays / Jean-Marc de Grave
• Session 8 Some Reflections on the Relation between Islam and Malayness
Religious Dilemmas of the Malays: A Survey of Some Current Issues / Azizan Baharuddin
Malayness: Product of a Civilizational Marriage between Ethnicity and Religiosity / Osman Bakar
• Panel Discussion: "The World after 9?11 and Photo-Journalism Breaking the Media Wall" (4 June 2004)
Introduction to the Project on Collecting Source Materials Related to South Asia
"Indowara-kai" (Association of Indowaras) and Related Materials: Mid-Term Report on Preservation of the Documents on Japanese Internees in India during World War Ⅱ / MATSUMOTO Shusaku
Approaches Bengal Local History: The Case of East Bengal / SUZUKI Kikuko
Oral History
Changing Narratives of their Own Lives / TERAUCHI Kozue
Bibliographical Notes on Local and Indigenous Documents in Asia
Formation and Preservation of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries Ottoman Archives / TAKAMATSU Yoichi
Report on the Compilation of a Catalogue of Manuscripts in Palembang / Yayasan Naskar Nusantara
[Activitiy Reports]

No.5, March 2005
[Special Sessions]
Symposium: Multiple Ways of Using Oral Archives: An Interdisciplinary Debate (11 December 2004)
Welcoming Note / FUJII Takeshi
Opening Address / NOMOTO Kyoko
Archives and the Challenge of Oral History / Rob Perks
On the Re-using of Oral Sources Made by Others: In the Absence of Oral Archives / KURAISHI Ichiro
Multiple Ways of Using Oral Archives: From the viewpoint of a Comparative Oral History of Women in Japan and U.S.A. / YOSHIDA Kayoko
Listening to the Voices: An Argument for Compiling an Archive from Rich Oral Data / KAWAJI Yuka
Backstage of Folk Narrative Recording / KATSUKI Yoichiro
Panel Discussion
Introduction to the Project on Collecting Source Materials Related to South and West Asia
"Indowara-kai" (Association of Indowaras) and Related Materials: Final Report on Preservation of Documents on Japanese Internees in India during World War Ⅱ / MATSUMOTO Shusaku
The Hakki Tarik Us Project: the Preservation of Ottoman Periodicals Housed in the Former Hakki Tarik Us Library in Istanbul / ARAI Masami
Profile of the Recently Acquired Bengali and English Collection on Social and Political History of Bengal / SATO Hiroshi
Oral History
Oral Records of the Participants and Witnesses of the Bangladesh War of Independence: "Oral History Project" by Bangladesh Muktijuddha Gabeshna Kendra / SATO Hiroshi
Bibliographical Notes on Local and Indigenous Documents in Asia
Analysis of the Mongolian Historical Sources from the 17th to 19th Century: Chronicles and Archival Document / MIYAWAKI Junko
The Institute of Han-Nom Studies: Its Function and Task / Chu Tu?t Lan
Some Particularities of Hand-Written Han-Nom Literature in Vietnam (17-19th Century) / Nguy?n Tà Nhí
[Activity Reports]

No.6, September 2005
[Special Sessions]
Round-table Talk (18 May 2005)
Symposium: From a Battlefield for Human Dignity - The Geopolitics of the Visual Ⅱ - (17 June 2005)
Opening Address / NISHITANI Osamu
Picturing Sudan / Evelyn HOCKSTEIN
Crisis in Dalful / KURITA Yoshiko
The Politics of Representation / OKA Mari
Ongoing Projects Abroad
Collaborative Project to Preserve Traditional Manuscripts in Myanmar: Interview with U Thaw Kaung, Academic Prize Laureate, Fukuoka Asian Culture Prizes 2005 / SAITO Teruko
The Hakki Tarik Us Project: an Valuable Project in Turkish Libraries / ?skender Pala, Selahattin ?ZT?K
The Study of Huizhou Archives / USUI Sachiko
Indonesian Manuscripts Project: Field-Research, Cataloguing and Digitalization / SUGAHARA Yumi
Introduction to the Project on Collecting Source Materials Related to South and Southeast Asia
Mon Library Works in Posession of the Library of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies with Special Reference to the Contributed Documents / OKUDAIRA Ryuji
The Library Documents Donated by the late Professors DOI Kyuya and SUZUKI Takeshi / HAGITA Hiroshi
[Activity Reports]

No.7, March 2006
[Special Sessions]
International Symposium in Shanghai
"Multilateral Comparative Study of the Historical Archives: Historical Documents, Family, and Business in East Asia" (25 August 2006)
Introduction / USUI?Sachiko
The Huizhou徽州 Documents: Their Provenance, Discovery, Preservation and Arrangement / ZHAI Tunjian
An Outline of the Sheng Xuan-huai盛宣懷 Documents Stored in the Shanghai上海 Library / WANG Hong
On the Documents Concerning Commerce and a Village in Medieval Japan / KURAMOCHI Shigehiro
Living Conditions of a Petty Peasant Family in Huizhou徽州 during the Qing清 Period: A Study of the "Tianzihao Quishu天字號鬮書" / WANG Zhenzhong
Aspirations to become Samurai: 'Keizu (family trees)' and 'Kadenki (records of hereditary matters)' / YOSHIDA Yuriko
The Notification of Ordinances in an Early Modern Japanese Town: Posting up, Transcribing, and Painting / WATANABE Koichi
Community Management and Local Administration in Suzhou蘇州 during the Qing清 Period: A Classification of the Inscriptional Souces in Suzhou蘇州 / TANG Lixing
The Characteristics of Dealing-Money Disputes in the Rural Districts in 1840s / TAKAHASHI Minoru
Classification of Litigation Documents of the Ming明 and Qing清 Periods in Huizhou徽州 / AFENG
Lecture Series on: "Spanish Perception of Asia and Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries"
Introduction / TATEISHI Hirotaka
Orientalism of Sinibaldo de Mas 11 July 2005 / Alberto GIL NOVALES
Africanismo of Gonzalo de Reparaz 12 July 2005 / Alberto GIL NOVALES
Orient and Morocco seen by the Modernismo and the Generation of 1898 26 October 2005 / Abdellah DJBILOU
Catalan Travellers to the Nothern Coast of Africa (19th and 20th Centuries) 27 October 2005 / Eloy MARTIN CORRALES
Ongoing Projects Abroad
Mohammed Daoud's Library of Tetouan and its Collaboration with Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / Hasna Daoud
Digitalization Project: Interviews on the Japanese Occupation in South Sulawesi, Indonesia / SUGAHARA Yumi
[Activity Reports]

No.8, September 2006
[Special Sessions]
International Symposium (30 October 2005)
"The Images of the Other on Both Shores of the Strait of Gibraltat: Relations between Iberia and the Maghreb"
Introduction: The Images of the Other on Both Shores of the Strait of Gibraltar / TATEISHI Hirotaka
From the Invading Moors to the Immigrant Maghrebis: Terrible Images of the Moors and the Muslims Forged in Spain during the Last Fourteen Centuries / Eloy MART?N CORRALES
Spain seen from Morocco / Abdellah DJBILOU
The New Hispano-Moroccan Encounter in the 20th Century: 'Friendly Moors' and/or 'Bad Moors'? / FUKASAWA Yasuhiro
Comment (1) / HIRANO Chikako
Comment (2) / IIJIMA Midori
Summary of Debates by Panelists / SATO Kentaro
Impressions of the Participants / TAKESHITA Kazuaki
Introduction to the Project on Collecting Source Materials Related to South and East Asia
Research Activities of the Indo-Japanese Association during the Second World War Period; A List of Documents on India and Ceylon / MATSUMOTO Shusaku
The Historical Value of Handwritten Records from Prince ?ndur's Beijing Office Held in the Toyo Bunko Library / Burensain BORJIGIN
[Activity Reports]

No.9, March 2007
[Special Sessions]
International Symposium
Documentation and Area Studies in Asia and North Africa (16-17 Decenber 2006)
Opaning Remarks by the President of TUFS / IKEHATA Setsuho
Area Studies and the Preservation of Documentary Heritage: A Preservation Administrator's Point of View / YASUE Akio
Restoring Tsunami-Damaged Local Documents: Report of the Ache Project for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage / AOYAMA Toru
Recovering Lost Gems of Myanmar's Past: Collecting, Preserving and Accessing Old Texts from Palm Leaves and Parabike Manuscripts / U Thaw Kaung
Establishment and Development of National Archives in Mongolia / Demberel ULZIIBAATAR
Panel Discussion "Can Digital Materials Supersede Original Materials?" / USUI Sachiko
Using Written Materials on Turkish Culture and History in Libraries / ?skender PALA
The Wealth of Private Libraries in Tetouan: Mohammed Daoud's Library as an Example / Hasna DAOUD
Digital Library Project for C-DATS: Focus on Multilingual Retrieval and Digitalization of Historical Materials in Dilins / KATO Satsuki
Relevance of Oral Evidence in Writing the Hisotry of the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971 / Sukumar BISWAS
The Japanese Occupation of South Sulawesi: Initial Research in Indonesian Oral History / A. Rasyid ASBA
Overview Discussion
Asia in Europe and U.S.
The Presence of Japan in the Barcelona Universal Exposition of 1888 through the Press / Marina MU?OZ TORREBLANCA
The Past, Present and Future of East Asian Studies in the United States / Chalmers JOHNSON & Hidenori IJIRI
Reports on Oral Archives
Oral Archives: Creation, Application, Problems / Shen Huai-Yu
[Activity Reports]