第1回「ダイバーシティ環境実現に向けたネットワーク」ランチミーティングを開催 1st "Network for Actualization of a Diversity-Friendly Environment" Lunch Meeting held at TUFS
On Friday the first of March 2019, the "Network for Actualization of a Diversity-Friendly Environment" Lunch Meeting was held at TUFS in the Multilingual Lounge (Research and Lecture Building 4F).
This meeting was attended by 15 faculty members including Vice President Hayashi and Professor Ijuin, head of the Gender Equality Promotion Committee. While eating lunch, participants spoke openly about balancing work and life events in a friendly environment.
Many frank opinions were heard such as "I think more men need to participate actively in childcare, but I'm not sure if enough men are receiving paternity leave at TUFS", "I think more support is needed so people don't get the impression that it is hard to return to work after taking maternity/paternity leave", "I was very grateful to receive help from research supporters when I was doing research while raising my child" and "I'm envious that female researchers can get support from the research supporters". In addition to this, specific plans for faculty development aimed at raising awareness of "actualization of a diversity-friendly environment", making work-life balance support systems more well-known, and future initiatives were discussed.
These meetings aim to act as footholds towards creating a diversity-friendly environment by gathering topics related to "actualization of a diversity-friendly environment" from around the university, and creating a place, and eventually a network, for interested faculty members to exchange their information and opinions.