若手研究者キャリア形成支援セミナーを開催 / Career Formation Support Seminar for Young Researchers Held at TUFS
2019年11月15日(金)、本学研究講義棟において、「若手研究者キャリア形成支援セミナー」を開催しました。講師には、本学卒業生で米国カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校教授として活躍する玉野井麻利子(たまのい まりこ)氏をお招きし、「海外への留学、海外での就職―ある女性研究者の軌跡」と題してお話しいただきました。
On Friday the 15th of November 2019, the 'Career Formation Support Seminar for Young Researchers' was held in the TUFS Research and Lecture Building. As the event's guest lecturer, TUFS invited Professor TAMANOI Mariko, a TUFS alumna working at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), who spoke to the topic of 'Going on Exchange and Job Hunting Abroad: The Path of a Female Researcher'.
Professor Tamanoi spoke of her experiences as a female university student during a time where not many women pursued higher education, and how her study abroad experiences in Mexico and the United States opened a path for education and research positions at American universities. This lecture was attended by 96 people.
After the lecture, participants asked many questions, making the event a particularly valuable opportunity for young students to think about their careers.
TUFS was chosen as a key institution in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's 2016 Funds for the Development of Human Resources in Science and Technology Project, 'Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment'. As a university with one of the highest ratios of female researchers in Japan, TUFS strives to support the activities of female researchers and students.