
Assoc.Prof. Gloriose UMUZIRANENGE has returned to Rwanda

July 31, 2024

Assoc.Prof. Gloriose UMUZIRANENGE, who stayed at TUFS as a visiting professor in the spring semester of the 2024 academic year, has returned to Rwanda after completing her term.

She gave very interesting lectures in the classes "International Cooperation 1 course, " Climate Change and Development,".

In addition to lectures at TUFS, She also gave talks at ASC seminar, at other universities, and to a class of Africa majors.

We look forward to seeing you again in Japan!

2024Gloriose_farewell13.jpg(Photo: July31 at ASC)

The clothes Prof. Gloriose was wearing that day were made in Rwanda. Rwanda apparently bans the import of used clothing from developed countries.