科目名: African Studies B
講師: デニス?ソンワ [Denis Sonwa]
単位?形式: 2単位?集中
講義場所:東京外国語大学 研究講義棟2階 221室
テーマ:Agroecology, Forest governance and rural development in Central Africa.
目標:Provide attendants with some basic information on forest and agricultural linkages with implication on ecological services, livelihood and governance at the global, national and local levels, whit emphasis on Central Africa.
概要:While the first day will be on forest ecological services importance at different levels, the second day will put emphasis on how forest and agricultural products are useful to global, national and local livelihood and economy. The third day will be on institutional and governance issues related to the management of forest and agricultural products at the scales mention before. The last day will be open for student to ask more question, but will also be an opportunity for those who hare research topic linked to the classes to make presentations and get feedbacks from attendants.
キーワード: Tropical Forest, Congo Basin, Ecological services, climate change, Biodiversity conservation, Tropical crops, Farmers livelihoods, Landscape management, Sustainable development.
◆Day 1 (23 Jan), (4h) from 10h10 to 16h, Ecological services
Global Level
-Global Forest Coverage
-Tropical Forests
-Congo Basin Forest
Biodiversity and importance for climate change
Typology of forest and ecological importance
National Level
Forest distribution in national context with his diversity.
Biodiversity conservation effort
Agro-Ecology area in national context
(Ex. Cameroon and/or DRC)
Local Level
Forest Biodiversity in forest landscapes (Primary forest, Secondary forest, fallow, farm)
Importance of Forest biodiversity in farm (Agroforestry: Biodiversity in cocoa agroforest).
Groups formation by attendants for the oral presentation that will be share with other participants in the fourth day. Each attendant need to be part of one group.
◆Day 2 (24 Jan),(4h) from 10h10 to 16h, Livelihood and economy
Global Level
-Global Economy importance of forest and agricultural products from forest landscapes
(Cocoa & Oil Palm)
-Value chain of products (Ex: Forest and perennial crops) from tropics to non-tropic areas
National level
Forest and agricultural product contribution to national economy
Local level
Importance of NTFP from forest and Agroforestry system (Agroforest) to local populations
◆Day 3 (25 Jan), (4h) from 10h10 to 17h30, Governance and institutions
Global Level
Global institutions managing forest and agricultural products
-Private sector (World Cocoa Foundation, Oil palm organization)
-Civil societies (Green Peace; IUCN, WWF, etc...)
-UN organisation (FAO, WB, UNFFF, SDG)
National level
Governance and institutional issues related to the management of forest and agricultural products
Local level
Local institutions and governance structure managing forest and agricultural products
Ex on the relation between environment and rural development
◆Day 4 (26 Jan), (3h) from 10h10 to 16h, Open for student presentation on their research topics
Oral presentations by attendants base on the topic that they selected in the first day and the contain of the course. Other attendants are encouraged to ask questions to the group after each oral presentation.
The class is opened for students with various background (Social sciences, economy, agronomy, ecology, etc.) as the aim is to highlight the fact that forest and agriculture problems needs be resolve in an integrated manner using multidisciplinary and multi-institutional approaches
We will use PowerPoints presentations, video projection, etc..