Some of my grades are not shown on the transcript.



  Usually grades are not mentioned on “Recognition of Credit” sheet issued by alma mater. In such cases proceed as follows.


出願資格に該当する教育機関のプログラムが、その組織以外の複数の組織に正規生として在籍して単位認定をすることが前提となっている場合{例:編入学や、ダブルディグリーなど}/ If the course you are applying for requires all the credits obtained from your previous school{e.g.:college transfer or double degree,etc



  You need to submit all transcripts including the schools/universities you went in the past.
 ※If you have only the copy, consult with the admissions office.

 e.g.)If you are transferred from XX university to university YY you need your transcript from both universities.


出願資格に該当する教育機関に1年次から在籍している(していた)が、別の組織(正規生)で取得した単位を認定している場合{例:学部卒業後に新たに別の学部へ入学した場合}/ You have graduated from a certain university and entered a different one.



  You need to submit all transcripts including the schools/universities you went in the past.
 ※If you have only the copy, consult with the admissions office.
 e.g)You graduated from XX university and entered YY university. If some credits from the previous school was accepted at YY University, you need to show transcripts from both universities.


出願資格に該当する教育機関に1年次から在籍している(していた)が、別の組織(非正規)で取得した単位を認定している場合{例:交換留学や科目等履修制度で単位を取得した場合}/ If you belong to a university from the first year and you possess some credits from different school as non-regular student{e.g.:Exchange program,attending classes as non-regular student, etc}




  It is preferable to submit transcripts from such courses.
 e.g)While studying at 〇〇 university you attended△△university as an exchange student. In this case, in addition to a transcript from 〇〇 university, it is recommended to submit a transcript from △△university.
 ※Usually a transcript from exchange programs are required but if you cannot submit a transcript due to attending as a non-regular student that is fine. It is recommended to submit it.


その他の場合/ Other cases


  Handling a case varies depending on the situation. It is recommended to consult with admission office in advance.(In case a new document is required you will be able to afford the time)

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