オンライン教育支援室 Online Learning Support Team (OLST)


  • MOE、MOJLについてなにかございましたらオンライン教育支援室 <olst@tufs.ac.jp>にお気軽にご相談ください。ログインするまでのトラブルのFAQはこちら

  • TUFS オンライン教育支援室は先生が技術を用いて指導なさるのを手伝います
    • Moodleを知りたいとき、おまかせください
    • 日本語と英語が通じます
    • お茶?コーヒー(たまにお菓子も)あります!
    • アゴラグローバル3階です

  • OLST helps teachers teach when using technology
    • we offer Moodle support
    • we speak Japanese and English
    • we have tea, coffee and sometimes snacks!
      bring your mug and visit us often!
    • we are on the 3rd floor of the Agora Global building
TUFS adds new Moodle service

MOE(「もえ」と発音します。Moodle for Online Educationの頭文字)は、なんの変哲もないMoodleです。国内の大学で教えるTUFSの先生、TUFSの学生を教える国内の大学の先生のためのサービスです。国内の大学の教員?学生が、属する大学の許しを得れば、MOEにログインできます。



MOEでオンライン学習を加速させる~概要から始め方まで~ (最終更新 2023-02-03)

MOE (pronounced [moe], short for Moodle for Online Education), is a plain-vanilla Moodle service. MOE is for TUFS teachers teaching at any school in Japan, and for teachers of any school in Japan teaching TUFS students. Students and teachers at any school in Japan can login to MOE, provided that their school allows them to do so.

For example, when students at Botan University are taking a class taught by a TUFS instructor, if Botan University allows their students to access MOE, they can do so using Botan University's computer accounts.

This inter-institution computer access is enabled through the gakunin program.

Facilitate online learning with MOE - the gist and how to set it up - (last updated 2023-02-03)

Feeling lost?



We empathize. We often feel LOST (Learning Online is Suffering and Torture). Maybe LOST should replace OLST (a town in the Netherlands) as our team's acronym!

Seriously, you're the captain of your ship. Consider us your ship's engineers. Tell us where to go, and we'll get you there ... at least we promise to try!
