Homecoming Day and University Foundation Anniversary Ceremony Held
November 19, 2015
On October 31st, the 7th Homecoming Day and the university foundation ceremony were conducted where alumni and current TUFS students gathered at the Fuchu campus.
A graduation ceremony for six alumni was held in the first part of the event. These alumni studied at TUFS during the confusing war and post-war periods. Nearly 70 years after their graduation, these alumni received their diplomas.
For detailed information about the graduation ceremony, please see the university web magazine, TUFS Today
TUFS Today(http://tufstoday.com/articles/20151102-02/)
After the graduation ceremony, the director of Tokyo Gaigokai (an alumni association, literally meaning Tokyo Foreign Language Association) made a speech, which was followed by an update by President Tateishi. After that, TUFS library archives offered a special presentation to commemorate the university anniversary under the title of “Eiji Asada and Tokyo”. (Eiji Asada was the recipient of the first Ph.D. degree awarded by the University Chicago and devoted himself to English education at TUFS.) As the main event, writer Masahiko Shimada (class of 1984, Russian language major) conducted a lecture, “Subcultured Politics and Japan’s Future”.
After the first session, a gathering took place in a lovely atmosphere where a Russian folk song circle and a student a-cappella group sang songs.
Ahead of the ceremony, PeekABoo, a student volunteer group, raked fallen leaves in the campus.