Japanese Ambassador to Angola Holds Lecture at TUFS

July 13, 2017

On Wednesday 29 th June, The Japanese Ambassador to the Republic of Angola, Hironori Sawada (TUFS Brazillian Portugese Language Studies Alumni), held a lecture at TUFS titled 'Angola's Transition Phase and Japan-Angola Relations' (sponsored by the Information Center for Social and International Collaboration, and the African Studies Center).

Ambassador Sawada refrained from speaking about the upcoming general election this August after the resignation of President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, who retained his position for 38 years, and instead spoke in depth about the current situation in Angola after its transition phase, the state of political affairs, history, economics, and culture. In addition, Ambassador Sawada discussed Japan-Angola relations in regards to Official Development Assistance (ODA), international cooperation, and government support.

Around 60 students majoring in African Studies attended the lecture and stayed behind afterwards for a lively question and answer session with Ambassador Sawada.

Before the lecture, Ambassador Sawada met with TUFS Executive Director/Vice President Iwasaki.