TUFS Japan-Russia Business Network meeting held
January 26, 2018
On the 11th of January, 2018, members of the TUFS Japan-Russia Business Network (organized mainly by TUFS graduates experienced in Japan-Russia business sectors), one of the driving forces of our Inter-University Exchange Project "TUFS Japan-Russia Student Mobility Program: Creating Business Networks and Fostering Human Interaction", held a meeting on TUFS campus to discuss support for execution of the project.
Attending the meeting were the following nine members (three from TUFS and six from outside). TUFS: Project Leader and Professor Kyoko Numano of the Graduate School of Global Studies; Associate Professor Izumi Maeda of the Graduate School of Global Studies; and Professor Shigeru Arai of the World Language and Society Education Centre, coordinator of the program. From outside: Mr. Michio Tomi, Director, Alumni Association of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies; Mr. Motoichi Kato, Deputy General Manager, Global Marketing Division, JGC Corp.; Mr. Kensaku Kumabe, President, Russia-Eurasia Research Institute; Mr. Shoki Takemura, Chief Researcher, Russia-Eurasia Research Institute; Ms. Mari Asano, Chief of Secretariat, Japan-Eurasia Society; and Mr. Hiroshi Meguro, Managing Officer and Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (in charge of HQ Overseen Region), Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
At the meeting, opinions were exchanged about how to promote partnership among TUFS, the business network, and Tokyo Gaigokai (TUFS Alumni Association). In particular, various views were expressed regarding the ideal human resources who can contribute to future Japan-Russia business and how to nurture them, irrespective of TUFS students or those of Russian partner universities. The participants also discussed plans to increase the number of companies and organizations which will cooperate for the planned internship program offered in Russia and Japan to participating students from TUFS and the six partner universities, and to improve the contents of the program.