Assistant Professor Ran MURATSU won the 18th Encouragement Award of The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology from the Japanese Society for Cultural Anthropology
June 20, 2023
Assistant Professor Ran MURATSU (ILCAA) won the 18th Encouragement Award of The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology from the Japanese Society for Cultural Anthropology (JASCA) for her paper “Demons Listen Too: Imagination and Affect in Spirit Possessions at a Pentecostal-Charismatic Church in Southern Benin” published in Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology Vol.86(4), 2022.
The Encouragement Award of The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology is given to outstanding research papers by young researchers from among the papers in Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology and/or Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology published during the previous fiscal year.
The award ceremony took place on June 4, 2023, at the 57th Annual Conference of JASCA held at the Prefectural University of Hiroshima.
For details, please see here. (Only available in Japanese)