“Kamishibai: Old Stories from Thailand and Japan” is published as a result of joint class between TUFS and Srinakharinwirot University
March 23, 2021
There are many students who go study abroad in overseas partner universities during the summer and winter quarters. Short visit programs are conducted either on the first or second year according to major language. In 2019, first year students majoring in Vietnamese, Burmese, Thai, Arabic, Turkish and Bengali and second year students majoring in Cambodian participated in the short-visit program.
During the February 2020 Thailand short visit that took place in Srinakharinwirot University, Thai students from the humanities faculty majoring in Japanese and TUFS students majoring in Thai created a kamishibai (picture story book) as part of the Tandem learning. As a result, the kabishibai has been published as an e-book called “Kamishibai: Thai and Japanese Old Stories”. The book includes 15 old stories from Thailand and Japan. All stories are in both, Thai and Japanese. We originally planned on publishing the book in a printed version. However, it was ultimately published in e-format due to the covid-19 pandemic.
- e-book “Kamishibai: Thai and Japanese Old Stories” (TUFS-SWU’s Project)
Comments from the supervisor of the program, specially appointed professor Sunisa Wittayapanyanon
This was part of the project of the February 2020 program. This was around the time when the world was shaken due to the covid-19 pandemic. Students were worried amidst a very uncertain situation, yet, were able to share their culture and learn from other cultures. Seeing TUFS students socialize with students from Srinakharinwirot University interact with each other made me realize the importance of culture and human interaction, especially in the times we are currently.
I think all stories featured in the book are extremely interesting as they convey the customs and ideals of each country. All pictures were drawn by the students, and so, hopefully you will enjoy them as much.