TUFS Students Win Russian Competition in Two Separate Categories
October 26, 2021
On October 17, TUFS students won in two categories of the 49th Russian Language Competition organized by the Japan-Eurasia Society and the Tokyo Russian Academy. First-year student, Ms. MANABE Yukiko (School of International and Area Studies) and fourth-year student Mr. NAITO Kanata (School of Language and Culture Studies) won in the beginner and general category respectively.
Although there were slightly fewer participants than in previous years due to the pandemic, the level of all participants was extremely high, making the competition very exciting. It is a great achievement to have two TUFS students win in such a competition.
Themes of the Speeches:
Ms. Manabe
“Colors that unite the hearts of Russian and Japanese people”
?Цвет, который объединяет души русских и японцев?
Mr. Naito
“Languages disappearing”
?Исчезающие языки?