Portuguese-language play performed for Brazilian community
December 19, 2023
On Sunday, December 10, second-year students of the School of Language and Culture Studies and the School of International and Area Studies, both majoring in Portuguese, performed at the Oizumi Town Hall in Oizumi-machi, Gunma Prefecture, with the cooperation of the Oizumi Town Hall. The performance was a Portuguese-language comedy "O diletante" (written by Martins Pena), performed by the students at this year's Gaigosai Festival,
Oizumi Town is home to many Brazilians, and many Brazilian parents and children attended the performance. First, a mini-recital was given by a Brazilian youth orchestra, performing music known to all Brazilians. This was followed by the language play performed by the TUFS students. The audience, mostly native Brazilian Portuguese speakers, reacted instantly to the Portuguese dialogues, and the reactions of the children, who laughed out loud, were so enthusiastic that the students' performance was even better than the one at the Gaigosai Festival. The content of the play was also made more exciting by the fact that this version of the play was prepared for Oizumi-machi, including the names of places in Oizumi-machi. After the performance, there was an opportunity for the Brazilian parents and children to interact with the students.
This year, 8 foreign students (7 Brazilians and 1 Portuguese) accompanied the students, so it was an opportunity to make friends with each other.