TUFS Students Win Prizes in Cambodian Speech Contest
July 30, 2024

On Sunday, July 28, 2024, the Cambodian Speech Contest 2024 (organized by the Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Japan, supported by the Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Sendai, the Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Fukuoka, Taica and SBI Remit) was held at the Cambodian Embassy in Akasaka. Ms. Hosokawa Asumi (4th year, School of International and Area Studies) won first place, Ms. Kawai Ami (4th year, School of International and Area Studies) won second place, and Ms. Oshizuka Mayu (4th year, School of International and Area Studies) won third place.
In this year's contest, 14 students competed in the finals, and the judges were Minister Counselor Sok Thea of the Royal Embassy of Cambodia, and three other judges.
Ms. Hosokawa gave a speech about exchange through food culture. During her study in Cambodia, she shared her experiences of building relationships with her host family, from shopping to cooking to sitting around the dinner table. She was evaluated highly not only for her excellent Cambodian language skills, but also for the humor with which she answered the judges' questions.
Ms. Kawai talked about the different meanings of idiomatic expressions using the words “warm” and “cold” in Japanese and Cambodian.
Ms. Oshizuka talked about wedding ceremonies in Japan and Cambodia, respectively, and how the ceremonies pray for the happiness of the bride and groom.
The three winners received a 6-day/5-night excursion to Cambodia and a commemorative plaque as extra prizes. All participants also received a commemorative gift from the Cambodian Ambassador.
After the ceremony, all participants were served buffet-style Cambodian cuisine and enjoyed a pleasant time.
A portion of Mr. Hosokawa's speech can be viewed here.