Welcome Party held for International Students at TUFS
September 19, 2018
On Thursday 17th May, the Japanese Language Center for International Students (JLC) held an ‘International Exchange Student Welcome Party’ at the University Hall. This party was held to welcome 73 new MEXT students from 40 different countries this spring, and was attended by many TUFS faculty including Vice President Mr. Minoru Iwasaki, Secretary-General Mr. Katsuhisa Sagisaka, and Vice President (for international affairs) Mr. Sukero Ito. Also in attendance were guests from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and representatives from eight foreign embassies in Tokyo, including Her Excellency Ms. Martha Lidia ZELAYANDIA Cisneros, the ambassador of El Salvador to Japan. Guests from various international student support organizations were also in attendance.
The party began with an encouraging address on study and student life from Chief of the JLC, Ms. Tomoko Fujimura, which was followed by a speech from Mr. Takaaki Oguri of the MEXT Tertiary Education Student and International Student Affairs Office. After mingling, the international students were split into their classes to introduce themselves, and small performances were given, creating a peaceful social environment.
Currently, there are 55 pre-undergraduate students, 12 research students and 6 teacher training program students studying at the JLC.