Ministry of Foreign Affairs holds Information Session on Overseas Crisis Management at TUFS
June 26, 2018
On Wednesday the 20th of June, TUFS welcomed Mr. Susumu Tsuda, Senior Coordinator of the Japanese Nationals Overseas Safety Division of the Foreign Affairs’ Consular Affairs Bureau, for an ‘Information Session on Crisis Management while Travelling Abroad’. This information session was targeted at persons planning to study abroad on student exchanges or short visits, and those planning to travel abroad in general.
During the session, Mr. Tsuda gave examples of difficulties encountered overseas and how to manage them, lessons to be learnt from serious incidents and accidents afflicting overseas students, and the responses of Japanese people to such occurrences. Mr. Tsuda also introduced the Overseas Residential Registration and Tabireji services. Around 70 students attended this session, and could be seen taking notes diligently. It was evident that the participants had a high degree of interest in overseas crisis management.
※The Student Exchange Division is hoping to hold similar information sessions in the future.
We encourage those who could not attend this time to come to the next session.