Teachers of Islamic Schools in Malaysia Visit TUFS
October 18, 2018
On Friday, October 5, 2018, 10 Islamic school teachers from Malaysia visited TUFS and participated in an exchange event. TUFS Executive Director and Vice-President HAYASHI Kayoko, Malaysian language teachers and Malaysian language students also participated in the event. This visit was part of this year’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs' (MOFA) “visiting programme to Japan for teachers of Islamic schools in Malaysia”, which aims to promote exchange and mutual understanding between Japan and Malaysia in the field of education by inviting teachers of Islamic schools to Japan for a week.
In the first half of the exchange meeting, Associate Professor Abdul Rahim ANUAR from the Research Institute for Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore at the Universiti Utara Malaysia, and Vice President Hayashi gave opening remarks and exchanged commemorative gifts. Later, Mr. Mohd Khamal bin Md DAUD (Ministry of Education, Islamic Education Section, Malaysia) gave a presentation in Malaysian on "Islamic Schools in Malaysia", which was followed by a lively Q&A session. Afterwards, the visitors were given a tour of the campus by TUFS students and enjoyed a light meal together.