SADC Ambassador Relay Lecture Series 2018 Ends: Malawi, Madagascar, Botswana, Lesotho, Angola
February 18, 2019
This relay lecture series is held every Wednesday from October onwards as a compulsory subject for first-year undergraduates majoring in African Area Studies at TUFS. In 2018, these lectures were given by ambassadors from 10 different countries. The last five lectures of this series were held from Wednesday the 28th of November 2018 to Wednesday the 16th of January 2019.
【Lecture Six】 November 28th (Wednesday), Malawi, Mrs. Fanny Yvonne Bwanali, First Secretary
【Lecture Seven】December 5th (Wednesday), Madagascar, Her Excellency Ms. Mireille Rakotomalala, Ambassador
【Lecture Eight】December 12th (Wednesday), Botswana, Ms. Katlego W. Phele, First Secretary
【Lecture Nine】January 9th (Wednesday), Lesotho, Her Excellency Dr. Palesa MOSETSE, Ambassador
【Lecture Ten】January 16th (Wednesday), Angola, His Excellency Mr. Rui Orlando Ferreira de Ceita da Silva XAVIER, Ambassador
The lecturers carefully devised the content of their lectures, and held quizzes at the ends of these to review said content. They also used simple English to introduce the geography, political movements, economic/industrial trends, nature and tourism of their countries, as well as their cooperative relations with Japan. The students proactively asked questions based on their own self-study, and seemed to enjoy discussing these with the ambassadors.
This relay lecture series aims to further relations between Japan and the countries of Southern Africa, and has been held at TUFS since 2012. TUFS was able to hold this lecture series again in the 2018 academic year thanks to the kindness of the ambassadors. This lecture series will be held again in the next academic year, every Wednesday (second period) during the fall quarter.
(Professor Sakai) sakai_makiko[a] or
(Professor Oishi) takanori[a] replace [a] with @)
African Studies Center Links (Japanese)
School of International and Area Studies Website