First “Certification System for Extension Programs” Course Supports Adult Learning at TUFS
June 6, 2019
As part of TUFS’ new adult courses, a “Legal Interpreter Training Course” that utilizes the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s (MEXT) “Certification System for Extension Programs”* began in April 2019. This is the first program at TUFS that utilizes the Certification System for Extension Programs.
*The Certification System for Extension Programs is based on Article 105 of the School Education Act and Article 164 of the School Education Act Enforcement Regulations, and issues a certificate of study legitimized by the law to those who complete one of its programs. In addition to offering degree programs for students, this system also offers coherent learning programs (extension programs) for adults, and overall aims to promote the societal contributions of universities.
The Legal Interpreter Training Course is a program run cooperatively by TUFS and Aoyama Gakuin University that aims to train specialists who can communicate smoothly between different languages and cultures in a variety of law-related contexts such as in courtrooms, investigations and defense. The 2019 program began on April 13th, and offered courses on three different languages; Spanish, Portuguese and Vietnamese. A total of 22 students will study for one year to become specialists in one of these three languages.