German Ambassador of Japan Gives Lecture on Multiculturalism at TUFS
July 5, 2019
On Tuesday the 28th of May, the German Ambassador of Japan, Dr. Hans Carl von Werthern, gave a lecture at TUFS’ Prometheus Hall as part of the “Ambassador of Germany Special Lecture” event (organized by the TUFS German section and the TUFS School of Language and Culture Studies). This lecture was given to the topic of “How Does Germany Manage to Integrate 11 Million Foreigners?” This lecture was attended by many people from both inside and outside of TUFS, showing the public’s keen interest in German multiculturalism.
Ambassador von Werthern values interacting with young people, and stayed behind after the lecture to talk with students. About 30 students, mostly German majors, stayed behind for this talk. During this talk, questions and answers were given in either German or English, and overall it was a very valuable chance for the students to directly talk with an ambassador. The Ambassador also spoke with President Hayashi, and the two exchanged opinions on relations between Germany and Japan.

Ambassador von Werthern’s lecture can be viewed on YouTube: TUFS Channel, the official YouTube channel of TUFS.