University of Pretoria Vice-Chancellor Visits TUFS
October 3, 2019
On Friday the 30th of August, a group of faculty, including Vice-Chancellor Tawana Kupe, from the University of Pretoria (South Africa) visited TUFS and met with TUFS President HAYASHI Kayoko, Professor TAKEUCHI Shinichi (head of the TUFS African Studies Center) and faculty members from four other universities (International Christian University, Sophia University, Ryukoku University and Naruto University of Education).
This meeting coincided with Vice-Chancellor Kupe’s visit to Japan for The Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD7), and was held as a follow up to the 4th South Africa – Japan University (SAJU) Forum, an event held to promote new exchange opportunities at which the University of Pretoria and the TUFS African Studies Center each served as secretariat for their respective countries.
At the meeting, introductions of each university were given, and opinions on exchange possibilities were shared, confirming the importance of continuing and developing further relations.