TUFS Participates in Japan Exchange Fair in Moscow
October 24, 2019
On Saturday the 21st of September, Ms. SHIGA Yōko from the TUFS Admissions Division participated in the “Japan Exchange Fair” (held by the MEXT Study-in-Japan Global Network Project) in Moscow, Russia.
The fair consisted of a range of presentations starting with a speech from Hokkaido University’s Professor KATO Hirofumi and a speech from Minister YAMAMOTO Toshio of the Embassy of Japan in Russia. Following this, introductions to the Japanese university system, visas and exchange programs were given, and three students who have been on exchange to Japan talked about their experiences.
Following this, presentations on 10 Japanese universities, including TUFS, and one Japanese language school were given, in which the features of each school were introduced to both undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in studying in Japan. Aside from educational institutions, presentations were also given by companies, and so it was also a good opportunity for the Russian students to consider starting a career in Japan.
TUFS is hailed as being a good place for students studying about Japan to further their research, and so many students visited TUFS’ private consultation booth. In particular, many questions were asked about the postgraduate program (Japan Studies) and the student exchange program.