TUFS Online Study Abroad Fair
November 17, 2020
The TUFS Online Study Abroad Fair 2020 was held for four weeks from Monday, October 19 to Friday, November 13.
Although travel abroad is currently restricted due to the effects of COVID-19, a debriefing session on study abroad experiences was held, with the aim of providing information to students who plan to study abroad in the future. As a measure to prevent infection, the event this year was held online. Nonetheless a total of 940 people participated in the event, indicating that students are highly interested in studying abroad despite the current pandemic.
Students who had experienced long and short term study and internship programs abroad reported on their studies and daily lives, using photos and videos. They also talked about their experiences of having to return home early due to the pandemic and engaged in a lively Q&A session with the participants. Coordinators from Global Japan Offices located at our partner institutions also provided some up-to-date information on the local situations.
In the latter half of the fair, topics on study abroad programs, short visits, the Inter-University Exchange Project (in the EU and the U.S.), and overseas travel risk management, as well as sexual assault during study abroad were discussed. During the talk session, "Studying abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic", some speakers shared their experiences of studying abroad online, and provided an opportunity for participants to think about their current options now that the situation has made it a challenge to study abroad.
The student exchange division and the TUFS Student Mobility Center will continue to utilize online resources to provide opportunities for students to gain useful information before studying abroad.