Lecture Given by Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to Japan
December 8, 2020
On Thursday, December 3, 2020, a lecture by His Excellency Mr. SINGTONG Lapisatepun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Thailand, was held online.
At the beginning of the lecture, Vice President MATSUKUMA Jun expressed his gratitude to Ambassador Singtong for his talk. Following this, Professor MIYATA Toshiyuki (Institute of Global Studies), the representative faculty member of the Thai Language Department, gave an introduction of TUFS and its Thai Language Department.
Ambassador Singtong gave a lecture on "Interpretation" and spoke in Thai with humor about the ins and outs of interpreting based on his own experience as a diplomat. Having spent his school days here in Japan, Ambassador Singtong is a connoisseur of the country. He spoke in detail about his experience in the diplomatic field between Japan and Thailand. The Thai language students participating in the lecture had the opportunity to engage in a Q&A session in Thai with the Ambassador.
Although we considered holding this lecture in a classroom on campus, with the spread of COVID-19, we decided on an online format. The lecture was moderated and facilitated by Specially Appointed Professor Sunisa.