Online gathering held with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Cambodia
July 6, 2021
On July 1, an online gathering was held between TUFS students majoring in the Cambodian language and His Excellency Mr. UNG Rachana, Cambodia’s ambassador to Japan. Ambassador Rachana answered the students’ questions while also giving suggestions on how to advance their studies.
The online gathering including three teachers and 27 students was conducted in Cambodian.
The students have not been able to study abroad due to the pandemic and have had few opportunities for international interaction. Still, they were able to demonstrate the Cambodian language skills they acquired through the online short-term international exchange program, “TUFS Japan Specialist Program for the Enhancement of Japanese Language and Cultural Outreach in Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia.”
A TUFS-ISEP student from TUFS’ associated institution the Royal University of Phnom Penh also participated from Cambodia.