Teacher Training Group from Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland) Visits TUFS
November 28, 2023
As part of the "University of Tomorrow'' project funded by a European Union (EU) grant, we invited Izabela Wieczorek, Ph.D., Ewa Nowak- Pasterska, Ph.D., and Karolina Galewska M.A., who are involved in teaching Polish to foreigners at Adam Mickiewicz University, our partner university, for a week from Monday, November 6, 2023. The training program was designed to provide a unique opportunity for teachers of Polish language at Adam Mickiewicz University to teach to Polish language majors of TUFS. The main purpose of this training program was to improve the teaching skills and knowledge of class design of the faculty members. The three faculty members also had the opportunity to meet and talk with students and faculty members.