About TUFS

TUFS Fast Fact
80 Countries
- 690 international students from 80 different countries are currently studying at TUFS.
1,395 students
- 578 students had short visits during the summer and winter semesters, and 817 students had long-term study abroad programs.
80 Languages
- The program has a system of education in 28 languages in 14 regions as its main major. In addition to the main major, 52 language courses are available, for a total of 80 languages.
244 Institutions
- TUFS has exchange agreements with institutions from 244 regions of 73 different countries.
25 Overseas
Locations - TUFS has established Global Japan Office’s in overseas partner universities.
40,000 People
- Gaigosai’s world cuisine and 27 language ‘GOGEKI Theater’ are enjoyed by 40,000 people each year
2nd Place
- TUFS actively promotes research by holding international conferences and symposiums.
- Of the 403 faculty members, 21.1%, or 53, are foreign nationals.
4 Quarters
- At TUFS, the year is divided into 4 terms as per the ‘TUFS Quarter System’.
295 ?Written
Languages - TUFS offers 880,000 texts in over 295 languages.