National Inter-University Cooperation
- Four-University Confederation Charter
- National Foreign Studies University Confederation Charter
- Literary and Science Joint Human Resources Development Program by TUFS, Tokyo Institute of Technology and the University of Electro-Communications
- Consortium for Intercultural Education
- Exchange of Credits among Five Universities in Tama District
- Tama Academic Consortium (TAC)
- Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities
- Educational and Research Exchange
- Courses Established in Cooperation with Other Organizations
Four-University Confederation Charter
On March 15, 2001, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), and Hitotsubashi University formed a four-university confederation. The guiding principle of the confederation is to establish a research and educational system that meets the challenges of a truly globalized society in the 21st century.
The four-university confederation aims at having the member universities collaborate with each other according to the content of research and educational programs while each member maintains its independence, thereby developing a new type of human resources, a goal that higher education has previously been unable to achieve. It also aims at promoting interdisciplinary and composite-area research and education.
On February 20, 2002, based on the Four-University Confederation Charter, TUFS entered into an agreement with TIT concerning the exchange of undergraduate students taking composite-area courses and graduate students.
Currently, the international technical writing course is offered at both universities. Classes for the medical policy and medical management course (master of medical administration), newly established in the TMDU Graduate School in April 2004, are managed through cooperation among teachers in charge of this course at the graduate schools of the four universities.
National Foreign Studies University Confederation Charter
In June of 2014, TUFS concluded the Foreign Studies University Confederation Charter with the other Foreign Studies Universities across Japan which consists of Kansai Gaidai University, Kanda University of International Studies, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies and Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. This charter aims to develop human resources worthy of the global society of the 21st century through the realization of basic principles and the development of each university. We aim to promote cooperation in accordance with the contents of education and research all whilst each participating university keeps their independence.
The 7 universities that have the Japanese title of “Gaigo Daigaku” have united and cooperate to nurture human resources capable of contributing to the world as a member of an international society.
Literary and Science Joint Human Resources Development Program by TUFS, Tokyo Institute of Technology and the University of Electro-Communications
In order to solve the various issues faced by our global society, cross-disciplinary ideas that go beyond the conventional frameworks of the humanities and sciences are required. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and the University of Electro-Communications, which are located in the western Tokyo area, made use of they being close to each other to launch a cross-disciplinary human resources development program. The program has qualities of the respective specialties of each university: humanities, social sciences, science, engineering, and agriculture. The program is practical and collaborative. This program provides high school students to undergraduate and graduate students with a new collaborative education that transcends the framework of the humanities and sciences.
Consortium for Intercultural Education
This consortium aims to solve the many problems faced by a multilingual/multicultural society by building a network for universities working on multicultural coexistence by making use of each university’s characteristics. In doing so, we hope to build a society where people of differing languages, customs and cultures can live together in harmony.
Hirosaki University, Utsunomiya University, Nagasaki University and TUFS signed the agreement not March 17, 2021. Collaborative classes began in the fall semester of 2021.
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Exchange of Credits among Five Universities in Tama District
This system of exchanging credits is designed to promote mutual exchange among five national universities (TUFS, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, the University of Electro-Communications, and Hitotsubashi University) in the Tama district and improve their respective curriculums.
Credits earned from subjects studied at one of the universities other than TUFS under this system are recognized as equivalent to those granted by TUFS.
Tama Academic Consortium (TAC)
The Tama Academic Consortium (TAC) is a university cooperation organization formed by the the following 6 universities; International Christian University (ICU), Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo Keizai University, Tsuda College, Musashino Art University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
This organization consisting of 6 universities from the Tama district, aims to contribute to the regional society by increasing education and research activity through networking and the mutual cooperation making the most of each university`s specialized fields.
Between the universities that are affiliated with TAC, the exchange of credits, the mutual use of libraries and the exchange of both students teaching staff are being conducted. TUFS became affiliated with TAC as the first national university in November 2013.
Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities
TUFS is participating in the "Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities," which is mainly composed of universities that have been selected for the Top Global University (SGU) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). This project will expand horizontally to overseas bases and offices of each university, share entrances to online Japanese language education, and encourage foreign study in Japan. TUFS is now working on the “Collaborative project between university overseas bases and offices through the provision of online Japanese language education”. In this project TUFS will cooperate with various universities in Japan and horizontally expand our business achievements to other universities and share information with each other among universities.
Educational and Research Exchange
TUFS is associated with the following 20 universities and 5 institutions.
Associated Institution | Agreement | Date of Agreement | Period |
Seinan Gakuin University | Cooperation Agreement between Seinan Gakuin University and TUFS | December 16, 2019 | 2019.12.16~2023.3.31Automatic Renovation |
Toyo University | Cooperation Agreement between Toyo University and TUFS | December 21, 2017 | 2017.12.21~2020.3.31Automatic Renovation |
Aoyama Gakuin University | Cooperation Agreement between Aoyama Gakuin University and TUFS | November 1, 2017 | 2017.11.1~2020.3.31Automatic Renovation |
National Institution for Youth Education | Agreement between the National Institution for Youth Education and TUFS | July 11, 2017 | 2017.7.11~2020.3.31Automatic Renovation |
Soka University | Cooperation Agreement between Soka University and TUFS | March 29, 2017 | 2017.3.29~2020.3.31Automatic Renovation |
Japan External trade Organization | Agreement on joint cooperation between JETRO and TUFS | July 8, 2016 | 2016.7.8~2017.3.31Automatic Renovation |
International University of Health and Welfare | Cooperation Agreement between the International University of Health and Welfare and TUFS | February 22, 2016 | 2016.2.22~2019.3.31 Automatic Renovation |
The Japan Foundation | Agreement between the Japan Foundation and TUFS | February 12, 2016 | 2016.2.12~2017.3.31 Automatic Renovation |
Seisen University | Cooperation Agreement between Season University and TUFS | December 14, 2015 | 2015.12.14~2019.3.31 Automatic Renovation |
National Institutes for the Humanities | Cooperation Agreement between the National Institutes for the Humanities and TUFS | November 25, 2015 | 2019.4.1~2022.3.31 |
Nagaoka University of Technology | Cooperation Agreement between Nagaoka University of Technology and TUFS | March 20, 2015 | 2015.3.20~2019.3.31 Automatic Renovation |
Nippon Sport Science University | Agreement on joint association between Nippon Sport Science University and TUFS | February 18, 2015 | 2015.2.18~2016.3.31 Automatic Renovation |
University of Electro-Communications | Cooperation agreement between the University of Electro-Communications and TUFS | October 15, 2014 | 2014.10.15~2019.3.31 Automatic Renovation |
Kanda University of International Studies | Cooperation and interaction agreement between Kanda University of International Studies and TUFS | June 2, 2014 | 2014.6.2~Until Annulment is requested |
Institute of Developing Economies Japan External Trade Organization | Cooperation agreement between the Institute of Developing Economies Japan External Trade Organization and TUFS | April 1, 2014 | 2014.4.1~Until Annulment is requested |
Nagoya University of Foreign Studies | Education and research agreement between Nagoya University of Foreign Studies and TUFS | March 13, 2014 | 2014.3.13~Until Annulment is requested |
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology | Cooperation Agreement between Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and TUFS | March 3, 2014 | 2014.3.3~2019.3.31 Automatic Renovation |
Tsuda College | Education and research agreement between Tsuda College and TUFS | September 21, 2012 | 2012.9.21~Until Annulment is requested |
International Christian University | Education and research cooperation agreement between the International Christian University and TUFS | April 1, 2009 | 2009.4.1~Indefinite |
Kobe City University of Foreign Studies | Education and research interaction agreement between Kobe City University of Foreign Studies and TUFS | January 23, 2009 | 2009.1.23~Until a request is made |
Tokyo University of the Arts | Education and research interaction agreement between Tokyo University of the Arts and TUFS | 2March 15, 2006 | 2006.3.15~Until a request is made |
Ochanomizu University | Education and research interaction agreement between Ochanomizu University and TUFS | February 4, 2005 | 2005.2.4~Until a request is made |
Tokyo Woman's Christian University | Education and research interaction agreement between Tokyo Woman's Christian University and TUFS | March 30, 2004 | 2004.3.30~Until a request is made |
Tokyo Metropolitan University | Education and research interaction agreement between Tokyo Metropolitan University and TUFS | October 18, 2021 | 2020.4.1~Until a request is made |
Chuo University | Education and research interaction agreement between Chuo University and TUFS | March 22, 2001 | 2001.3.22~Until a request is made |
Credit Exchange System
You can get credits from TUFS while taking certain classes from associated universities. Each university has characteristic history, tradition and educational programs that are unique to each.
Courses Established in Cooperation with Other Organizations
The Graduate School of Global Studies concluded an agreement with the Bank of Japan’s Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies in 2000, and the Japan External Trade Organization’s Institute of Developing Economies in 2003.
In 2006, the Graduate School created courses on Political Systems with the cooperation of JETRO’s Institute of Developing Economies; and courses on the Postwar Japanese Economy Revisited and Thinking about Modern Capitalism with the cooperation of BoJ’s Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies.