Workshop:Middle East and Islamic Studies International Workshop“Mobility of Central Asian Intellectuals: Scholarly and religious networks between Xinjiang and Middle East”

Date / Time / Place

Date:Sat 21 Jul 2018
Time:14:00 - 17:00
Place:Multimedia Conference Room(304), 3F, ILCAA (Asahicho3-11-1,Fuchu-shi,Tokyo,183-8534)


1.Jin NODA (ILCAA): Opening address

“The Scope of the Kazakh intellectuals in Xinjiang: a case of Aqit Ulemjiuli”

3. Zaynabidin ABDIRASHIDOV (ILCAA / Tashkent State University of the Uzbek Language and Literature, Uzbekistan)
“Brothers in religion: the image of a Chinese Muslim in the Ottoman periodicals”

4. David BROPHY (Univ. of Sydney, Australia)
“A Much-Travelled Modernist: Sa'id Muhammad al-'Asali Between the Ottoman Empire and the Muslims of Xinjiang”

5. Hisao KOMATSU (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies):Comment

6. Discussion

*For those who will participate in this workshop, please inform us of your participation to the following contact address in advance: nodajin[at] (Please change [at] to @)


Language: English
Admission: Free

Jointly sponsered by
ICLA Middle East and Islamic Studies (MEIS),
Joint Research Projects "From Turkestan to Istanbul: in seeking the freedom,
Comparative studies of political and intellectual trends in early 20th-century Central Asia"

For the latest information, please refer to the following link.