Event Schedule

Academic Year 2025 Quarter Dates

  • Spring Quarter: April 1 (Mon.) – July 21 (Mon.)
  • Summer Quarter: July 22 (Tue.) – September 28 (Sun.)
  • Fall Quarter: September 29 (Mon.) - (next)January 25 (Sun.)
  • Winter Quarter: January 26 (Mon.) ~ March 31 (Tue.)

*The first day of classes for the spring semester is Tue.sday, April 8.
* Summer and Winter Quarters are for short-term study abroad programs and various intensive courses. There are no required classes.
* The office is not open on Saturdays, Sun.days, and national holidays.
*August 12 (Tue.)-August 14 (Thu.): Summer holiday (no window service)
*April 29 (Tue., holiday), July 21 (Mon., holiday), October 13 (Mon., holiday), and November 3 (Mon., holiday) are holidays.

Undergraduate Calendar (2025/2026)

1st (Tue.) (Mon.day, March 31st: English Proficiency Test (all new first-year students and third-year transfer students))
Start of the school year
Orientation-related videos, course guides, etc. published (on the website)
Orientation for new students
1st (Tue.) - 2nd (Wed.) GLIP English Course Lottery Registration Period
*Please check the website for details.
2nd (Wed.) Medical examinations (new students)
3rd (Thu.) - 4th (Fri.) Spring medical examinations (current students)
3rd (Thu.) Course registration period (for some of the liberal arts foreign languages)
4rd (Fri.) - 14th (Mon.) Course registration period (all subjects)
September graduation applications accepted
5th (Sat.) Entrance Ceremony
8th (Tue.) Start of Spring Semester Classes
8th (Tue.) - 9th (Wed.) Course registration consultation corner set up
15th (Tue.) - 21st (Mon.) Course registration correction period
29th (Tue., public holiday) Public holiday class day
30th (Wed.) - 6th (Tue.) May University-wide cancellation of classes
8th (Thu.) - 9th (Fri.) Course withdrawal period
31st (Sat.) Rowing competition
2nd (Mon.) - 6th (Fri.) Applications for September graduation accepted
Early June Accepting applications for the 2nd year student course and academic advisor requests [Faculty of International and Social Studies]

3rd (Thu.)- 4th (Fri.)

Receipt of graduation theses and graduation research (September graduation)

9th (Wed.)- 11th Registration and Correction Period (Summer Quarter)
14th (Mon.) Spring Quarter classes end
15th -, 21st (Mon.) Spring Quarter regular examination period *21st (Mon.) is a national holiday
22nd (Tue.) Summer Quarter classes begin
Early season Disclosure of Spring Quarter grades
Inquiry period for Spring Quarter grades (for students scheduled to graduate in September)
12th (Tue.)- 14th Summer Vacation
Middle of the year Spring Quarter grade inquiry period (for students not scheduled to graduate in September)
12th (Fri.) Summer Quarter classes end
Late Graduation (September graduation)
16th (Tue.)- 24th (Wed.), Basic Exercises Lottery Registration Period
19th (Fri.) – 24th (Wed.) GLIP English Course Lottery Registration Period
25th (Thu.) Registration Period (Liberal Arts and Foreign Language Courses only)
26 (Fri.) - October 3 (Fri.) Registration period (all courses)
29th (Mon.) Fall Quarter classes begin
Around the end of the Mon.th to early October Summer Quarter Grades Web Browsing Begins
Summer Quarter Grades Inquiry Period

6th (Mon.)- 10th (Fri.) Registration Modification Period
13th (Mon.) Days when classes are held on holidays
20th (Mon.)- 21st (Tue.) Discontinuation Period
3rd (Mon.) Days when classes are held on holidays
20th (Thu.) to 24th (Mon., holiday) GAIGOSAI (TUFS Festival) (all classes cancelled)
*19th is preparation day, 25th is clean-up day
Early season Receipt of course and advisor preference forms for second-year students [School of Language and Culture Studies]
Receipt of advisor preference forms for third-year students [School of Japan Studies]
1st (Mon.) - 5th (Fri.) English Proficiency Test (first-year students)
23rd (Tue.) Last day of classes for the year
24 (Wed.) - January 4 (Sun.) New Year Holidays

5th (Mon.) Classes resume
8 (Thu.) – 9 (Fri.) Registration and Correction Period (Winter Term)
9th (Fri.) Deadline for submission of graduation theses and research
13th (Tue.) (Fri.) class dates
15th (Thu.) Fall Quarter classes end
16th (Fri.) - 18th (Sun.) University Entrance Test: Restricted Entrance Day
17th (Sat.) - 18th (Sun.) University Entrance Examination (Main Examination)
19th (Mon.) - 23rd (Fri.) Fall Quarter regular examination period
26th (Mon.) Winter term classes begin
6th (Fri.) Winter Term Classes End
Early season Disclosure of Fall Quarter Grades
Fall Quarter Grades Inquiry Period
Middle of the year Disclosure of winter term grades
Inquiry period for winter term grades
24th (Tue.) - 25th (Wed.) Temporary Closing of All Classes (Restricted Entry Day)
25th (Wed.) Second round of academic examination (first semester)
Around the end of the Mon.th to early March Announcement of expected graduates
11th (Wed.) - 12th (Thu.) Temporary Closing of All Classes (Restricted Entry Day)
12th (Thu.) Second round of the academic examination (second semester schedule)
Middle of the year Announcement of Graduates and Advancement
Late Graduation Ceremony
31st (Tue.) End of school year

Postgraduate Calendar(2025/2026)

Graduate School Annual Events (2025/2026)


1st (Tue.) Beginning of the school year
Information on courses and class schedules open to the public and orientation for new students
2nd (Wed.) Medical examinations (new students)
3rd (Thu.) - 4th (Fri.) Spring medical examinations (current students)
4th (Fri.) - 14th (Mon.) Registration Period [Spring/Summer Quarter]
Course Confirmation Period by Primary Advisor
5th (Sat.) Entrance Ceremony
8th (Tue.) Spring Quarter classes begin
15th (Tue.) - 21st (Mon.) Registration Correction Period [Spring/Summer Quarter]
Primary Advisor Course Confirmation Period (requested for new registration and registration correction)
29th (Tue.) Days when classes are held on holidays (classes are held on Tuesday)
May 30 (Wed.) - May 6 (Tue.) All classes cancelled
7th (Wed.) - 13th (Tue.) Duration of research title submission (M1-D1 for students admitted in April 2025)
13th (Tue.) Deadline for submission of application for M2 certification for students scheduled to complete the Master's Program in September
2nd (Thu.) - 26th (Mon.) Notification of Master's Thesis Titles (for students scheduled to graduate in September, PCS Course, Recurrent Course, and HIPS Program)
1st (Sun.)- 4th (Wed.) Doctoral degree application period (3 days excluding Sat.urdays and Sun.days)
1st (Sun.)- 5th (Wed.) Presented Paper or Unpublished Research Achievement D2 (2nd) [Application Accepted]
1st (Sun.)- 5th (Wed.) Doctoral Dissertation Plan for Fall Admission D1 / Published Paper or Unpublished Research Work D2 [Application Accepted]
9th (Mon.) - 13th (Fri.) Doctoral dissertation title submission period (D1 for students admitted in April 2024)


1st (Tue.),

D2 for those who submit a published paper or unpublished research achievement (2nd) [Date of interview guidance]
D1 for those who submit a doctoral dissertation plan for fall admission / D2 for those who submit a published paper or unpublished research achievement [Date of interview guidance]

1st (Mon.) - 2nd (Tue.)

Receipt of master's theses, etc. (for students scheduled to complete in September / PCS course / HIPS Program)

9th (Wed.) - 11th (Fri.) Registration and Correction Period [Summer Quarter]
Principal advisor course confirmation period (requested for new registrations and corrections to registrations)
21st (Mon.) Spring Quarter classes end
11 (Fri.) – 16 (Wed.)

Acceptance of Master's thesis, etc. M1 (Recurrent course)

15th (Tue.) - 21st (Mon.)

Spring Quarter regular examination period

15th (Tue.) - 21st (Mon.)

M2 for students submitting master's theses, etc. [Final examination date] (students scheduled to complete in September / PCS courses / HIPS Program)

M2 for students submitting master's theses, etc. [Final examination date

22nd (Tue.) Summer Quarter classes begin
23rd (Wed.) - 24th (Thu.)

M1 (Recurrent Course) for those submitting a master's thesis, etc. [Date of final examination]

Early August Disclosure of Spring Quarter grades
12th (Tue.) - 14th (Thu.) Summer Vacation (No counter service)
1st (Mon.) - 3rd (Wed.)

Doctoral degree application period (3 days excluding Saturdays and Sundays)

Early September Presented Paper or Unpublished Research Achievement D2 (2nd) for Fall Admission [Application Accepted]
Mid September Spring Quarter grade inquiry period (for students not scheduled to graduate in September)
12th (Fri.) Summer Quarter classes end
Late September Degree Conferral Ceremony (September graduates, PCS course, Recurrent course, HIPS program)
26 (Fri.) - October 3 (Fri.) Registration Period [Fall/Winter Quarter]/Course Confirmation Period by Primary Advisor
Late September Fall Entrance Ceremony
29th (Mon.) Fall Quarter classes begin

1st (Wed.) - 7th (Tue.) Notification of Master's thesis title M2 [Accepted term question]
(September 26 (Fri.) - 3 (Fri.) Registration Period [Fall/Winter Quarter]
Course Confirmation Period for Primary Advisor
Early October Presented Paper or Unpublished Research Achievement (2nd) for Fall Admission D2 [Date of Interview Guidance]
7th (Tue.) - 10th (Fri.) Research Title Submission Period (M1-D1 for Fall 2025 Entrants)
6th (Mon.) - 10th (Fri.) Registration [Correction] Period [Fall/Winter Quarter]
Primary advisor course confirmation questions (requested for new registrations or registration corrections)
13th (Mon.) Days when classes are held on holidays (classes are held on Monday)
Mid October Summer Quarter Results Web Review Begins
3rd (Mon.) Days when classes are held on holidays (classes are held on Monday)
19 (Wed.)-25(Tue.) Foreign Language Festival (all classes cancelled)
*19th is preparation day, 25th is clean-up day
(Wed.), 26th - (Fri.), 28th Publication Period for Submission of Master's Thesis and Research Plan for Recurrent Courses (to the Department Chair)
1st (Mon.) - 3rd (Wed.) Doctoral degree application period (3 days except Saturdays and Sundays)
8th (Mon.) - 12th (Fri.) Doctoral Dissertation Title Notification for Fall Admission D1 [Acceptance Period]
23rd (Tue.) Last day of classes for the year
January 24 (Wed.) - January 4 (Sun.) New Year Holidays


5th (Mon.) Classes resume
9th (Fri.) Deadline for submission of Master's thesis
16th (Fri.) Fall Quarter classes end
8th (Thu.) – 9th (Fri.) Registration and Revision Period [Winter Term]
Director's Shell Course Approval Period (requested for new registration and revision of registration)
13th (Tue.) Friday Class Day
16th (Fri.) - 18th (Sun.) University Entrance Exam: Restricted Entrance Day
19th (Mon.) - 23rd (Fri.) Fall Quarter regular examination period
26th (Mon.) Winter term classes begin
1st (Sun.) - 5th (Thu.) Doctoral Dissertation Plan D1/Published Paper or Unpublished Research Achievement D2 [Application Accepted]
5th (Thu.) - 6th (Fri.) M2 for those submitting Master's thesis etc. [Date of final examination]
Late February Disclosure of Winter term grades
24th (Tue.) - 25th (Wed.) Date of Restricted Entry
25th (Wed.) Second round of academic achievement test (first half of university entrance examination)
1st (Sun.)- 4th (Wed.) Doctoral degree application period (3 days except Saturdays and Sundays)
2nd (Mon..)
(*1st due to (Sun..)
Doctoral Dissertation Proposal D1/Presented Paper or Unpublished Research Work D2 [Date of Interview Guidance]
11th (Wed.) - 12th (Thu.) Date of Restricted Entry
12th (Thu.) Second round of academic achievement test (second Quarter of university entrance examinations)
Mid March Announcement of March completers
Late March Graduation ceremony
31st (Tue.) End of school year