TUFS Cinema 謎のいきもの映画上映会『おらが村のツチノコ騒動記』
TUFS Cinema Japanese Folklore Documentary Film "The Hunt for Tsuchinoko"

「東京外国語大学TUFS Cinemaは、映画を通じ、世界の諸地域における社会?歴史?文化の理解を深めることを目的として行われています。日本各地に目撃者はいるけれど、正体不明の謎のいきもの、ツチノコ。今回は「ツチノコの村」出身の今井友樹監督がツチノコを求めて全国各地を走り回って撮影した映画を上映します。現代の民俗であるツチノコを手がかりに、人と自然、そして都市と農山村の関係について考えてみませんか。
TUFS Cinema aims to deepen understanding of social, historical, and cultural aspects in various regions of the world through film screenings. This time, the film “The Hunt for Tsuchinoko" will be screened, focusing on the changing relationship between people and nature in Japan. The Tsuchinoko is a mysterious creature whose identity is unknown, although there have been witnesses at many locations across Japan. Film director Tomoki Imai, a native of the 'Tsuchinoko Village', travels around the country in search of them.
日時 2024年10月26日(土) 14:00開映(13:40開場、16:30終了予定)
DATE 26th October 2024 (SAT) Start time: 14:00 (Doors open at 13:40, ends at 16:30)
会場 東京外国語大学 アゴラ?グローバル プロメテウス?ホール
Venue: Prometheus Hall, AGORA Global, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) 3-11-1, Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo
プログラム / PROGRAM
映画『おらが村のツチノコ騒動記』本編上映 (71分)
今井 友樹(監督、工房ギャレット)
パブロ?モレノ(東京外国語大学 大学院総合国際学研究科博士前期課程1年)
佐々木 聡史(東京外国語大学 国際社会学部4年) - 司会
大石 高典(東京外国語大学 大学院総合国際学研究院 准教授)
- Screening of "The Hunt for Tsuchinoko" (71 mins)
- Talk Session:
IMAI Tomoki (Director, President of Studio Garret Inc.)
Pablo MORENO (1st grade graduate student, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
SASAKI Soushi (4th grade student, School of International and Area Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) - Moderator:
OISHI Takanori (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
その他 入場無料、事前登録制、一般公開
Other Admission free, Please register in advance, Opening to the public
*The event will be partly in English with consecutive interpretation into Japanese.
Over 8 years old, I would appreciate it if you could be quiet during the screening.
共 催
東京外国語大学TUFS Cinema
TUFS Cinema
TUFS School of International and Area Studies Oishi Seminar
TUFS Field Science Commons (TUFiSCo)
協 力
Studio Garret Inc.
Center for Intercultural Studies of TUFS
事前登録フォーム / Pre-Registration Form
Pre-registration is required for the TUFS Cinema screening.
登録フォーム / Registration Form
(Pre-registration form page1 - please fill in your email address twice, and page2 - name and occupation.)
※ フォーム登録後に登録メールアドレスに受付完了メールが届きます。当日、入口にて受付完了メールをご提示いただきますので、ご準備くださいますようお願い申し上げます(スマホ画面で問題ありません)。
*You will receive an acceptance email to your registered email address after registering in the form. Please be prepared to present your registration email at the entrance on the day of the event. (No problem on smartphone screen)
※ 事前登録がなくてもご来場いただくことは可能ですが、会場入口で参加登録をしていただきますので、事前にご登録いただくとスムーズにご入場いただけます。定員を超える場合は、事前登録を済ませた方を優先させていただきます。
*You can come to the event without pre-registering, but you will be asked to register at the entrance to the venue, so pre-registering will make it easier for you to enter. If the number of participants exceeds capacity, those who have pre-registered will be given priority.
『おらが村のツチノコ騒動記』 "The Hunt for Tsuchinoko"
監 督 今井友樹
制 作 株式会社工房ギャレット
PRODUCED BY Studio Garret Inc.
2024年 / 日本 / 71分 / 日本語 / 英語字幕 / 原題 おらが村のツチノコ騒動記
2024 / JAPAN / 71mins / Japanese / English Subtitles / English title: The Hunt for Tsuchinoko
Can Tsuchinoko give us clues to the future we are heading towards? This documentary follows Tsuchinoko folklore from around Japan. They look like snakes that have swallowed beer bottles, and they fly, they roll... Despite various sightings, the Tsuchinoko remains a mysterious creature that has yet to be discovered. The director's hometown, Higashishirakawa Village in Gifu Prefecture, has the highest number of Tsuchinoko sightings in Japan. Participants from all over the country gather at the Tsuchinoko search events that have been held since 1989. Since leaving his hometown, the director, who lives in the city, has coolly stated that “there are no Tsuchinoko”. Why have his feelings changed so much? What exactly is really important? The director embarks on a journey to confront his hometown and the Tsuchinoko.
In contemporary Japanese society, where rational, understandable and efficient things are appreciated, things that are not easily understood or are unfamiliar, such as yokai and monsters, are increasingly being shrugged off. This screening focuses on the Tsuchinoko, which is believed to be a member of the snake family, to consider the meaning and value of the presence of the unfamiliar in our society and in our relationship with nature. In the film, director Tomoki Imai - who witnessed the Tsuchinoko as a child in his own hometown, a mountain village in Gifu Prefecture - visits people in mountain villages across Japan who say they have encountered Tsuchinoko, and approaches the reality of the creature, which is also a modern folk custom. The story of the Tsuchinoko prompts us to reflect on the present-day situation and future vision of Japan's rural communities. Together with visitors from diverse cultural backgrounds, we hope to provide an opportunity to discuss the future of the relationship between the city and the countryside, and between humans and nature.
今井 友樹 IMAI Tomoki
Director, President of Studio Garret Inc.
Born in 1979 in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. After graduating from the Japan Academy of Moving Images (now the Japan Institute of the Moving Image), he joined the Center for Ethnological Visual Documentation. He studied under Director Tadayoshi Himeda and became involved in film production. Focusing on the lifestyles of rural villages and fishing communities, he has been practicing how to unravel the process of their transformation and disappearance, grasp the persisting underlying culture, and present it to contemporary society as a clue for thinking about the future. His films include “Bird Time” (2014), “Sakaami” (2018) and “Paper Mulberry Days” (2021).
パブロ?モレノ Pablo MORENO
東京外国語大学 大学院総合国際学研究科博士前期課程1年
1st grade graduate student, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduated from the National University of La Plata (UNLP) in Audiovisual Arts with a focus on Theory and Film Critic. Teaching at the Faculty of Arts (UNLP) since 2019. Currently a graduate student at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, specializing in Japanese Cinema narrative and directing features.
佐々木 聡史 SASAKI Soushi
東京外国語大学 国際社会学部4年
4th grade student, School of International and Area Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Born in Saitama Prefecture in 2002. Belongs to the Wander Vogel club of TUFS, and is interested in nature, especially mountains. Currently writing a graduation thesis regarding wolf worship in Japan.
大石 高典 OISHI Takanori
東京外国語大学 大学院総合国際学研究院 准教授
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1978. Loves fishing. Interested in environmental issues and the relationship between humans and nature. Majoring in ecological anthropology, he has visited Cameroon many times and has continued to research the relationship between people living in tropical forests and nature.
TUFS Cinema上映の間、2022年9月に東京外国語大学国際交流会館前に開園しました「PAL国際保育園@東京外大」にて一時保育のご利用が可能です。
月~土 7:00~18:30
mail:paltufs[at]seiwagakuen.ed.jp([at] を @ に変えて送信してください)
◆〒183-8534 東京都府中市朝日町3-11-1
◆JR中央線「武蔵境」駅のりかえ 西武多摩川線「多磨」 駅下車 徒歩5分
◆京王電鉄「飛田給」駅北口より多磨駅行き京王バスにて約10分 「東京外国語大学前」下車
月~金 9:00 ~ 12:00、13:00 ~ 17:00
東京外国語大学 広報?社会連携課 TUFS Cinema 事務局
TEL: 042-330-5441
Email: tufscinema[at]tufs.ac.jp([at] を @ に変えて送信してください)
〒183-8534 東京都府中市朝日町3-11-1
Facebook: @tufscinema.pr
X(Twitter): @tufscinema