Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Inter-University Exchange ProjectInnovative Africa: Educational Networking Programs for Human Resource Development in Africa’s SDGs (IAfP)

[Report] Two TUFS students have started the exchange program at UNZA (Zambia)

Takuya Fukuda, a third-year student of North America major? and Kozue Makiyama, a fourth-year student of Chinese major began their exchange program on July 2024 at University of Zambia. Takuya and Kozue will study at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences for 5 months.

Message from Takuya

Hello! My name is Takuya Fukuda, and I am a third-year student in the School of International and Area Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Currently, I am studying sociology at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zambia in Lusaka, the capital city. My study abroad period is one semester, approximately five months.
I chose Zambia as my study-abroad destination for several reasons. It is a relatively safe country in Africa, English is widely spoken, and soccer is very popular here. This is my first time living abroad, so I am doing my best to adjust to daily life. I am eager to learn about the culture and traditions of Zambia while gaining a wealth of new experiences by interacting with the local people. Having played soccer since childhood, I am particularly looking forward to engaging with Zambians through playing soccer.
I am determined to make the most of this study abroad experience, ensuring it becomes a significant and enriching chapter in my life. Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported me in making this journey possible. Thank you very much. I am excited to enjoy my time in Zambia!



Message from Kozue

Hi, my name is Kozue Makiyama. I am a 4th-year student majoring in East Asian Studies and Chinese at the School of International and Area Studies.
I will be studying Political Science at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zambia for one semester, from mid-July to the end of November 2024. Although the courses and timetable might change since classes just started this week, I plan to take courses such as Politics of Africa, War Economics and Peacebuilding, and Ethnicity and Race in World Politics.
It has been three weeks since I arrived in Zambia, and so far I haven’t had any health problems. I’m making good use of items left by previous exchange students, such as Japanese condiments, dishes, and electric appliances. I’ve also had the chance to meet Japanese people working here as JOCVs (Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers), dispatch workers for overseas diplomatic missions, and NPO staff, so I am enjoying my time here every day.
Because they got only about one-fifth of the usual rainfall last rainy season in Zambia, and with the country relying heavily on hydropower, the electricity supply of this country has been really unstable. What used to be a 1-2 hour power outage now often lasts 12-14 hours. It’s been pretty tough, but I’ve managed by using emergency lights and aromatherapy candles at night and spending time on the university campus, which still has power. Finally, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who’s supported my study abroad experience, including IAfP and the Study Abroad Support Center, as well as everyone else who’s been involved. I really appreciate all your help and look forward to your continued support.



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