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About ITP

Construction of an International Collaboration System for the Training of Young Researchers Specializing in the Humanities in Non-English European Areas (ITP-EUROPA)

TUFS International Training Program (ITP-EUROPA) is sponsored by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS, for the five-year period from April 2009 through March 2014. With this program, we aim to train capable young researchers who would have an integrated viewpoint on the literature, language and philology, focusing on those in Non-English European Areas by taking utmost advantage of our university's unique characteristics.


One of our university's aims is to develop capable young researchers who could have a command on several-languages. Owing to that character, this project is to be promoted to develop intensive and extensive research including those for applied studies by studying various approaches and theories in Non-English European Areas directly without filtering them through the English language.

The prospective scholars who undergo this training could develop interactive research activities as mentioned below beyond the usual style of passive receptive attitude.


1.       Awareness of Japanese ideas in European Research Environments

2.       Identification of the study subject; the characteristics of European cultures

3.       Mutual research exchanges among the partner institutions

4.       Publications of study results to the world - holding international workshops and publishing papers


As a result of providing ample opportunities to young researchers to be trained in Europe, we will eventually establish a system for joint examination of doctoral dissertations and joint granting of academic degrees in collaboration with our long-time partner institutions in Non-English European Areas.


The Office for International Academic Strategy (OFIAS-TUFS) set up the ITP-EUROPA Committee for the operation of this program and also the ITP-EUROPA Working Committee for the coordination of the young researchers' project.


?ITP-EUROPA Committee 



Takashi NARITA Chair

Professor, Institute of Global Studies/ OFIAS member


Executive Director/ Professor, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa/ Director, OFIAS


Professor, Japanese Language Center for International Students/ OFIAS member


Professor, Institute of Global Studies

Tadahiko WADA

Vice-President/  Professor, Institute of Global Studies

Toshiyuki CHIBA

Associate Professor, Institute of Global Studies

Nobuharu FUJII

Chief, Research Promotion Division/ OFIAS member

Yukari NAKAO

Chief, Student Exchange Division/ OFIAS member


Chief, Accounting Division/ OFIAS member


Chief, International Exchange Section/ OFIAS member


The duties assigned to ITP-EUROPA Committee include:
-Program planning
-Selection of candidates for the "Young Researchers' Program"
-Fund administration
-Publication of the program outcome
-Internal program evaluation
-Other related duties


ITP-EUROPA Working Committee
-ITP-EUROPA committee members
-Academic advisors of young researchers

ITP-EUROPA Working Committee performs the following duties:
-Liaison and coordination between partner institutions abroad
-Planning and operation of joint projects with partner institutions abroad and other activities


Project execution
-Sending young researchers to Germany, France and Italy

-Sending young researchers to partner institutions abroad
-International symposium in Bologna, Italy

-Sending young researchers to partner institutions abroad

-Sending young researchers to partner institutions abroad
-Publishing outcome of the international symposium 2010
-International symposium in Hildesheim, Germany

-Sending young researchers to partner institutions abroad
-Publishing outcome of the international symposium 2012



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