2009年12月 月次レポート(モエデブ?ワエル フランス)
モエデブ ワエル
There were only two weeks of school during this month. Winter vacation started from the 18th
of December. Everyone is busy preparing for the Christmas and the New Year. All shopping malls are overcrowded with people who opted to buy presents for Christmas at the last minute.
The city is all decorated with lights and colors. We had some snow fall which lasted for three days and which resulted in the interruption the public transport here. Delays or cancellations of flights; long delays in the Euro star with people stuck in the tunnel between Paris and London. It's not a usual scene here in Paris to have snow falls. This winter is very cold.
As I have mentioned in my November monthly report, there was a one day conference organised by CERI Sciences Po Paris (centre d'études et de recherches internationales (centre for international studies and research) on the 14th of December. The colloque was entitled "changement politique et identités collectives" (political change and collective identities). The conference was divided into two parts according to the themes presented. The morning section dealt with "changement de régime et identités collectives" (regime change and collective identities). The presenters in this part were all from Science Po Paris except a researcher from Oxford.
The evening section was under the title "politique publique et identités collectives" (policies and collective identities). The presenters in this section were from Colombo University, university of Singapore and CNRS/CERI-Sciences Po Paris.
During this month there were no communications with my professors here due to my short visit to Tunis and then Christmas holidays and winter vacations.
I am now working on my questionnaires and interviews which will be used as my primary data for analysis. The questionnaires will be distributed to immigrants from North Africa as well as immigrants from sub Saharan Africa as their experience is almost the same when it comes to questions of integration or national identity in the French context.