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[Lecturers Only] Student Evaluation of Courses

Date: July 2, 2014

From: TUFS Self-Evaluation and Self-Examination Committee

Dear all,

Student Evaluation of Courses and Teaching for the Spring Semester at TUFS 2014

We are going to conduct a student evaluation of courses and teaching at TUFS for all courses in the spring semester 2014 (except for Global Liberal Arts Program). This evaluation survey is part of the overall evaluation process that covers all the courses in the whole academic year 2014. We are going to ask all our undergraduate students in all our departments to evaluate courses and teaching.

The results of the evaluation responses will be examined and used by our Committee for Self-evaluation and Self-examination only for the purpose of improving the quality of courses and teaching qualities at TUFS. The responses will also be inspected and shared by instructors after the final grades are processed.

The evaluation survey will be conducted from Monday, July 14 through Friday, July 18 for undergraduate courses. The evaluation of intensive courses will be conducted later according to their schedules.

The evaluation of Global Liberal Arts Program (Language Subjects, Liberal Arts Subjects) and the evaluation of graduate courses will be conducted in the autumn semester.

If you have changed your classroom without notifying the Office of Educational Affairs ("Kyomuka"), please make sure to contact them before by Friday, July 11. If you need to cancel your class(es) during the period of the evaluation survey, you will find a packet containing the questionnaires and the envelope in your mailbox.

Please be sure to conduct the survey of your undergraduate courses by the end of July and ask one of your students to take the envelope with the questionnaires in it to the Office of Educational Affairs ("Kyomuka").

If you have any questions concerning this evaluation process, please contact professors in your section for information or the Office of Educational Affairs ("Kyoumu Kakari") at 042-330-5168/6168 or







Ⅱ.対 象 者:学部の学生(休学者は除く)



Ⅴ.概  要:

1. 教室の変更を教務課に届け出ていない場合は、必ず7月11日(金)迄に教務課までご連絡ください。

2. 実施期間中に休講を予定している場合も、必ず教務課までご連絡ください。

3. 非常勤講師や特定外国語教員等の窓口となっている専任教員の皆様は、本アンケートの実施について、周知にご協力いただきますよう、お願い致します。

4. 事前にマークシートを受け取りたい方や、1週間分の授業のマークシートをまとめて受け取りたい方等は、教務課教務係(までご連絡ください。個別に対応いたします。

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