春名 展生 (HARUNA Nobuo)
氏名 / Name | 春名 展生 (HARUNA Nobuo) |
所属職名 / Affiliation | 大学院国際日本学研究院/教授 Institute of Japan Studies/Professor |
電子メール / Email | haruna@tufs.ac.jp |
ウェブページ / Website | |
学位 / Degree |
研究分野(e-Rad分野) / Research Field(s) (by e-Rad) |
研究キーワード / Research Keywords |
自己紹介 / Biography
I received postgraduate education in international relations and political history, so I name these two fields as my specialties. The courses I teach are mainly related to the latter core.
As a researcher, I view politics, especially politics in anarchical settings such as international relations, as practical projections of ideas. My writings, therefore, lie at the interface between political studies and intellectual history.
It is hard to deny that politics is driven by what we "believe" is right and true, rather than what is scientifically correct. My research is conducted with the hope that scholarly efforts to reveal such underlying beliefs will contribute to deconstructing obsolete and dysfunctioning policies.
Currently, I am interested in intellectual impacts of demographic dynamics and the global obsession with "growth."
As a researcher, I view politics, especially politics in anarchical settings such as international relations, as practical projections of ideas. My writings, therefore, lie at the interface between political studies and intellectual history.
It is hard to deny that politics is driven by what we "believe" is right and true, rather than what is scientifically correct. My research is conducted with the hope that scholarly efforts to reveal such underlying beliefs will contribute to deconstructing obsolete and dysfunctioning policies.
Currently, I am interested in intellectual impacts of demographic dynamics and the global obsession with "growth."
所属学会 / Affiliated Academic Societies
日本国際政治学会Japan Association of International Relations
日本政治学会Japan Political Science Association
主要研究業績 / Main Research Publications
論文 / Papers
External ideas or traditional values? A reappraisal of Japanese ‘neoliberal’ reforms, Japan Forum, 36(2), 200-225, 2023
Why Not Mahan? Path Dependence in Modern Japanese Geostrategic Thinking of the Pacific, Social Science Japan Journal, 27(1), 41-56, 2023
国粋主義者の誕生―志賀重昂の思想形成に関する一考察―, 東京外国語大学 国際日本学研究, 1号, 61-71, 2021年
The Birth of a Nationalist: A Study on the Making of Shigetaka Shiga's Thought, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Japan Studies Review, (1), 61-71, 2021
「大東亜共栄圏」から「海洋国家」へ―地政学の断絶?継承と高坂正堯―, 東京外国語大学国際日本学研究, 0号, 71-82, 2020年
From the 'Greater East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere' to a 'Maritime Nation': Kōsaka Masataka's Role in Updating Japanese Geopolitics, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Japan Studies Review, (0), 71-82, 2020
文科系予備教育の課題―修了生へのアンケート調査を手がかりとして―, 東京外国語大学留学生日本語教育センター論集, 45号, 271-282, 2019年
Challenges in Improving Preparatory Education:Speculations on a Questionnaire for Preparatory Education Graduates, Bulletin of Japanese Language Center for International Students, (45), 271-282, 2019
地政学の政治学的受容――小野塚喜平治ルートの素描, 東京外国語大学論集, 97号, 83-108, 2018年
Geopolitics in political science in 20th century Japan: Tracing a strand of thought starting from Kiheiji Onozuka, Area and Culture Studies, (97), 83-108, 2018
国費学部留学生の専攻分野:2010年代の急転回をめぐって, 東京外国語大学留学生日本語教育センター論集, 44号, 163-174, 2018年
Academic Majors of the MEXT Scholarship Undergraduate Students: On the Collective Turn in the 2010s, Bulletin of Japanese Language Center for International Students, (44), 163-174, 2018
一九七〇年代日本における「人間と政治」:「間柄主義」「間人主義」の政治的含意, 東京外国語大学論集, 95号, 271-290, 2017年
"Human Nature and Politics" in 1970s Japan: The Political Implications of Considering the Japanese as "Relational" or "Contextual" People, Area and Cultural Studies, (95), 271-290, 2017
途絶えた系譜――リアリズムの受容、展開、そして反転, 東京外国語大学論集, 93号, 247-266, 2016年
Recapturing a Disrupted Line of Thought: The Reception, Application, and Reinvention of Realism in the Academic Field of International Relations, Area and Culture Studies, (93), 247-266, 2016
「大東亜共栄圏」の記憶が戒めるもの, 大阪経済法科大学太平洋研究センター年報, 5号, 17-22, 2008年Lessons from the "Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere" plan, Yearbook of the Asia-Pacific Research Center, Osaka University of Economics and Law, (5), 17-22, 2008
神川彦松の国際政治学――その展開をめぐる一考察――, 日本研究論叢, 26巻, 151-180, 2007年Hikomatsu Kamikawa's theory of international politics: , Korea Journal of Japanese Studies, 26, 151-180, 2007
国際政治学の生物学的基礎――神川彦松の忘れられた一面――, 国際政治, 148号, 89-103, 2007年Studying international politics from a biological perspective: the forgotten aspect of Hikomatsu Kamikawa, International Relations, (148), 89-103, 2007
書籍等出版物 / Books and Other Publications
国際関係の系譜学, 晃洋書房, 学術書, 共編者(共編著者), 2022年A genealogy of international relations, Koyo shobo, Scholarly book, Joint editor, 2022
教養としてのジェンダーと平和Ⅱ, 法律文化社, 教科書?概説?概論, 分担執筆, 2022年Studying Gender and Peace as Liberal Arts, 2, Horitsu Bunka Sha, Textbook, survey, introduction, Contributor, 2022
現代地政学事典, 丸善出版, 事典?辞書, 分担執筆, 2020年The Encyclopedia of New Geopolitics, Maruzen Publishing, Dictionary, encyclopedia, Contributor, 2020
日本研究をひらく―「国際日本研究」コンソーシアム記録集2018―, 晃洋書房, 学術書, 共著, 2019年Opening the Doors to Japanese Studies, Koyo Shobo, Scholarly book, Joint author, 2019
教養としてのジェンダーと平和, 法律文化社, 一般書?啓蒙書, 共著, 2016年Studying Gender and Peace as Liberal Arts, Horitsu Bunka Sha, General book, introductory book for general audience, Joint author, 2016
人口?資源?領土―近代日本の外交思想と国際政治学―, 千倉書房, 学術書, 単著, 2015年From Darwinism to Geopolitics: The Modern Japanese Obsession with the Equilibrium Between Population, Resources, and Territory, Chikura Shobo, Scholarly book, Sole author, 2015
日本の外交 第3巻 外交思想, 岩波書店, 学術書, 共著, 2013年Diplomatic thought: Japanese diplomacy, vol. 3, Iwanami Shoten, Scholarly book, Joint author, 2013
パラダイムは変わったのか, 創泉堂出版, 学術書, 共著, 2012年Has the paradigm changed?, Sosendo Shuppan, Scholarly book, Joint author, 2012
国際政治哲学, ナカニシヤ出版, 学術書, 共著, 2011年Philosophy of international politics, Nakanishiya Shuppan, Scholarly book, Joint author, 2011
講演?口頭発表等 / Presentations
The Malthusian Imprint on International Relations: Retrieving a Trans-Pacific Intellectual Dialogue on Japanese Population, ISA Annual Convention 2021, 国際会議, International Studies Association, 口頭発表(一般), Virtual platform, 2021年
Mutual Assistance as National Culture? Undermining the Welfare State in 1970s Japan, Solidarity and Mutual Aid in Modern and Contemporary Japan (1603-2020), 国際会議, Institut fran?ais de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise, 口頭発表(一般), Maison franco-japonaise, 2021年
Mutual restraint or perish altogether? Addressing demographic precarity in early twentieth-century Japan , Sixth Annual UCLA Trans-Pacific Workshop, International presentation, UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, Department of History, Asia Pacific Center, Oral presentation (invited, special), University of California, Los Angeles, 2019
Why not Mahan or Mackinder? The Japanese Preference for Deutsche Geopolitik, Intellectual History and International Relations: Japan and Anglo-World in the Early 20th Century, International presentation, Waseda SGU Global Asia Research Center, The Institute for Advanced Global Studies, The University of Tokyo, Oral presentation (invited, special), Waseda University and The University of Tokyo, 2019
国際政治学の成立と地政学の受容:ラッツェル地理学の日本的?政治学的展開, 日本国際政治学会2018年度研究大会 , 国内会議, 日本国際政治学会, 口頭発表(一般), 大宮ソニックシティ, 2018年Starting the study of international politics and propagating geopolitics: the dual consequences of the incorporation of Friedrich Ratzel into Japanese political science, The 2018 Annual Convention of the Japan Association of International Relations , Domestic presentation, Japan Association of International Relations, Oral presentation (general), Omiya Sonic City, 2018
狭い国土と過剰人口:通説的日本観の形成と展開, 韓国外国語大学校国際地域大学院日本学科?日本研究所招聘講演会, 国際会議, 韓国外国語大学校国際地域大学院日本学科?日本研究所, 口頭発表(一般), 韓国外国語大学校, 2018年An Overpopulated Small Territory: The Formation and Diffusion of the Common View of Japan, International presentation, Graduate School of International and Area Studies, Institute of Japanese Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Oral presentation (general), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 2018
「国際日本研究」時代における「日本事情」, 「国際日本研究」と教育実践, 国内会議, 「国際日本研究」コンソーシアム, 口頭発表(一般), 国際日本文化研究センター, 2018年Teaching "Japanese Affairs" in the Age of "Global Japanese Studies", Global Japanese studies and educational practice, Domestic presentation, Consortium for Global Japanese Studies, Oral presentation (general), International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2018
進化論と進歩への懐疑:明治後期の加藤弘之を中心に, 夏季セミナー2017「言語?文学?社会―国際日本研究の試み―」, 国際会議, 東京外国語大学国際日本研究センター, 口頭発表(一般), 東京外国語大学, 2017年The Theory of Evolution and Skepticism Towards Progress: Focusing on Hiroyuki KATO in Late Meiji, International presentation, International Center for Japanese Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Oral presentation (general), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2017
リアリストの誕生―国際政治学の戦前から戦後へ―, 日本国際政治学会2015年度研究大会, 国内会議, 日本国際政治学会, 口頭発表(招待?特別), 仙台国際センター, 2015年The Emergence of a Realist: A Postwar Development in the Study of International Politics, The 2015 Annual Convention of the Japan Association of International Relations , Domestic presentation, Japan Association of International Relations, Oral presentation (invited, special), Sendai International Center, 2015
The Age of “Idealism”: The Discovery of “International Politics” and the Invention of the study, ワークショップ「国際関係学の歴史記述的転回」, 国際会議, 科学研究費助成事業「ウェストファリア史観の脱構築:メタディシプリナリ?アプローチ」, 口頭発表(一般), 立命館大学東京キャンパス, 2013年
「国家ノ生存競争」と「衆民政」―小野塚喜平次の対外観と日本, 「<日本意識>の変遷―古代から近世へ」第1回研究会, 国内会議, 文部科学省私立大学戦略的研究基盤形成支援事業「国際日本学の方法に基づく<日本意識>の再検討―<日本意識>の過去?現在?未来」, 口頭発表(一般), 法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパス, 2012年'Struggle for existence by nations' and 'democratic governance': Onozuka Kiheiji's view of foreign relations and Japan, Changes in 'Japan-consciousness': from Ancient to Early Modern Eras, 1st research meeting of 2012, Domestic presentation, Strategic Research Base Development (Grant-aided) Project: Reconsideration of 'Japan-consciousness', Oral presentation (general), Ichigaya Campus, Hosei University, 2012
「国際政治」概念の成立と小野塚喜平次, 政治思想読書会, 国内会議, 同志社大学政治思想読書会, 口頭発表(一般), 同志社大学今出川校地, 2011年Kiheiji Onozuka and the construction of the concept of "international politics", Reading circle of political thought, Domestic presentation, Reading circle of political thought, Doshisha University, Oral presentation (general), Imadegawa Campus, Doshisha University, 2011
On the Retreat of Idealism: From the League of Nations to the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Plan, 第2回グローバル国際研究会議, 国際会議, World International Studies Committee, 口頭発表(一般), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008年
International Politics and International Relations: Two Strands of Studies Derived from the Curricular Development of International Studies in Japanese Universities, 47th Annual Convention, 国際会議, International Studies Association, 口頭発表(一般), San Diego, USA, 2006年
The Japanese Interpretation of an International Code of Conduct in the Nineteenth Century: Balance of Power, Fifth International CISS Conference, 国際会議, Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section, International Studies Association, 口頭発表(一般), Salzburg, Austria, 2004年
国連による平和と安全の維持と日本の役割, 日本国際連合学会第4回研究大会, 国内会議, 日本国際連合学会, 口頭発表(一般), 国際連合大学, 2001年Japan's role in maintaining peace and security through the United Nations, 4th Annual Convention of Japan Association for United Nations Studies, Domestic presentation, Japan Association for United Nations Studies, Oral presentation (general), United Nations University, 2001
Last updated on 2024/4/27