Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies
endeavours to establish a core documentation centre in the Asian-Pacific region with emphasis on the various languages.
• Collection List (42,097 items, November 2023)
Library OPAC |
• TUFS Online Public Access Catalogue (Books, Journals and Newspapers)
Microfilms, Maps, Broadsheets and News Cuttings |
• Microfilm Acquisition (July 2011)
• Maps collection of Southeast and South Asia in C-DATS (in Japanese)
• News Cuttings on Asian Affairs (in Japanese)
• Other Materials (in Japanese)
Research activities |
• Activity reports
• Journal of the Centre for Documentation & Area-Transcultural Studies, vols. 1-9.
• C-DATS Studies on Asia and Africa
Events and News
12th March 2013 updated
Notice: Recent Acquisitions |
C-DATS continuously collects visual materials of South-East Asia and South Asia. The acquired materials will be open to public on our web site. Please contact C-DATS office for use.
Ceylon Postcards (PDF file: 9.2MB)
11th March 2013 updated
Notice: New database service introduced |
C-DATS has introduced a new database service, Archives Unbound.
Archives Unbound is a vast new resource of topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars and students. In addition to the index search, download is available for those three collections listed below.
(1) Global Missions and Theology (From Literature of Theology and Church Hisdtory in the United Staets and Canada. 23,869 pages)
(2) India from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949: Records of the U.S. State Daprtment. (RG 59, Records of the Department of State, Central Files, India, 1945-1949, Decimal numbers 645, 745, 845, 711.45. 53,824 pages)
(3) The Hindu Conspiracy Cases: Activities of the Indian Independence Movement in the U.S., 1908-1933. (From RG60, General Records of the Department of Justice/ RG85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service/ RG 118, Records of U.S. Attorneys and Marshals. 2,796 pages)
Please click here to access (on-campus only)
20th February 2013 updated
Notice: Research seminar |
"C-DATS colloquium on Historical Materials of South Asia."
History of South Asian Studies in Postwar Japan: A Dialogue between Historians (4).
Date: 9th March 2013 (14:00-16:00),
Venue: TUFS Hongo Satellite Campus
Language: Japanese
Advance registration needed. Please kindly contact C-DATS office by e-mail.
18th February 2013 updated
Notice: Introductory article published |
An introductory article about C-DATS and TUFS library has been published in a Hindi Magazine in Mauritius.
Takeshi Fujii and Kyosuke Adachi, "Jāpāna me? Hindī pustako? kī anamola virāsate? ", Visva Hindī Patrikā 2012 (Mauritius: World Hindi Secretariat). pp. 33-37.
Click here to read the article (PDF).
30th January 2013 updated
Notice: C-DATS audio-visual material collection |
C-DATS office is continuously collecting historical materials of Asian studies. Some materials are are kept not in the university library but in our office. Please contact C-DATS for use
Nandita Haksar, Glimpses of North East India; people, places, culture, history and politics [200 knowledge cards] (New Delhi: Chicken Neck), 2011.
28th January 2012 updated
Notice: Recent Acquisitions |
C-DATS has acquired microfilm materials. Those materials are kept in our office. Please contact C-DATS office for perusal.
(1) East African Standard. 1969 - Jan, 1974, Mar-Apr 1974, Jun 1974.
(2) The Statesman. 25 Jan 1927- 11 Sep 1932, 30 Oct 1932 - 14 Feb 1941 [Missing from the original Oct 1, 1933-Jan 11, 1934]
(3) The Times of India. Apr 1972 -Jan 1974, Mar 1974
(4) Uganda Argus. Vol. 61-65 [1961-1965]
28th December 2012 updated
Notice: Online catalogue update |
Prometheus-Academic collection [Online catalogue] has been updated. Now over 35,000 items of C-DATS collection are catalogued. Click here to see the catalogue. |
6th November 2012 updated
Notice: Photo Exhibition closed |
We have closed the special exhibition 'Asia' through the eyes of a Journalist: Shizuo Maruyama (1909-2006). Thank you for your kind co-operation during the exhibition. |
2nd November 2012 updated
Recent Acquisitions |
C-DATS has acquired microfilm materials and a dissertation. Please contact C-DATS for perusal.
(1) British Intelligence on the North West Frontier, 1901-1949. (microfilms)
(2) LI, Kwai-Yun, Deori Camp: An oral history of Chinese Indians from 1962 to 1966.
16 October 2012 updated
Notice: Photo Exhibition |
24 September 2012 updated
Notice: Research Seminar |
"C-DATS colloquium on Historical Materials of South Asia."
History of South Asian Studies in Postwar Japan: A Dialogue between Historians (3).
Date: 30th September 2012 (14:00-16:00),
Venue: TUFS Hongo Satellite Campus
Language: Japanese
Advance registration needed. Please kindly contact C-DATS office by e-mail.
16th August 2012 updated
Notice: Recent Acquisitions |
C-DATS has acquired following CD/DVDs. Please directly contact C-DATS for use.
(1) Indian Opinion, 1903-1914 (New Delhi: National Gandhi Museum).
(2) Gandhi : a Biography (New Delhi: National Gandhi Museum, 2007).
16th August 2012 updated
Notice: C-DATS rare book collection |
C-DATS office is continuously collecting historical materials of Asian studies. Following rare books are recent acquisitions. Please contact C-DATS office for perusal.
(1) Sambo-Hombu, Indo-Yoran. vol.1
(2) HIKITA Toshiaki; Sambo-hombu Rikugun-bu Hensan-ka eds., Hutsuan kankei shimatsu (1888) 3 vols + supplement
18th June 2012 updated
Notice: Research Seminar |
"C-DATS colloquium on Historical Materials of South Asia."
History of South Asian Studies in Postwar Japan: A Dialogue between Historians (2).
Date: 24th June 2012 (14:00-16:00),
Venue: TUFS Hongo Satellite Campus
Language: Japanese
Advance registration needed. Please kindly contact C-DATS office by e-mail.
15th June 2012 updated
Notice: Recent Acquisitions |
C-DATS continuously collects photographic materials of South-East Asia and South Asia. The acquired materials will be open to public in due order. Please contact C-DATS office directly for perusal.
Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd. "Tucks Postcards The Photogravure Series Twelve Beautiful View Postcards of Calcutta".
Notice: Research Seminar |
"C-DATS colloquium on Historical Materials of South Asia."
History of South Asian Studies in Postwar Japan: A Dialogue between Historians.
Date: 27th March 2012 (9:00-14:00),
Venue: C-DATS office at TUFS Fuchu Campus
Language: Japanese
Advance registration needed. Please kindly contact C-DATS office by e-mail.
2nd February 2012 updated
Notice: Research Seminar |
"C-DATS colloquium on Historical Materials of South Asia."
Hiroshi Sato,
Contemporary India being a historical narrative: Reading "India after Gandhi" written by Ramachandra Guha.
Commentator: Masanori KOGA and Masao NAITO
Moderator: Takeshi FUJII
Date: 3rd March 2012 (14:00-17:00),
Venue: TUFS Hongo Satellite Campus
Language: Japanese
*Prof. SATO has recently published the Japanese translation of R. Guha's "India after Gandhi: The history of the world's largest democracy".
*The seminar is free and open for everyone without advance reservation.
20th January 2012 updated
Notice: New acquisitions of language-learning materials |
C-DATS has newly acquired a series of audio materials published by Central Hindi Directorate.
• Welcome to India usage of pronouns (CD no.1)
• Use of Particles sub + 'ne' construction (CD no.2)
• Sub + 'ko' construction usage of idioms (CD no.3)
• Compound verbs subject-verb-agreement (CD no.5)
• Subject-verb-agreement standardization of devanagari script
• Learn Hindi = hindi sikhem
• English-Hindi conversation guide = Angreji-Hindi vartalapa gaida
• Konkani commentary, vol.1-2
• Assamese commentary, vol.1-2
• Oriya commentary, vol.1-2
• Telugu commentary, vol.1-2
• Kannada commentary, vol.1-2
• Malayalam commentary, vol.1-2
• Bengali commentary, vol.1-2
• English commentary, vol.1-2
• Welcome to India (Learn hindi series 1)
• Baatein karen shuru aap tum aur too (Learn hindi series 2)
• Karta aur kariya ka meil beech-beech mein ne ka khel (Learn hindi series 3)
• Vakya mein 'ko' ja yoga prakat kare vividha prayoga (Learn hindi series 4)
• Hindi mein ling ka aadhar : thoda vyakaran thoda vyavahar (Learn hindi series 5)
• Hindi mein 'to' 'bhi' aur 'hi' prayog keejiye sahi-sahi (Learn hindi series 6)
• Mukhya kriya ke saath ranjak kriya mikar banaye sanyukt kriya (Learn hindi series 7)
• Anwiti se banta shuddha vakya anyatha ban jata ashuddha vakya (Learn hindi series 8)
• Yadi ho sahi vartani ka jnana hindi sikhana behada asana : standardization of devnagri script (Learn hindi series 9)
• Hindi mem muhavarom ka sahi prayoga = correct use of idioms in Hindi (Learn hindi series 10)
• Hindi ki vikasa yatra = Hindi ki vikas yatra, pt.1-2
• Hindi mem alankara = Hindi mein alankar
• Loka-gita = folk songs
• Sanjna = noun
• Oriya-Hindi-Oriya vartalapa (2009)
• Tamila-Hindi vartalapa
• Bangla-Hindi-Bangla vartalapa
• Hindi-telugu vartalapa
• Mizo-Hindi-Mizo a inkawmna = Mizo-Hindi-Mizo vartalapa
• Kannada-Hindi-Kannada vartalapa
• Hindi ka akhila bharatiya svarupa, vol.1-2
• Kahavatem-lokoktiyam, vol.1-2
• Viroshana = adjective
• Hindi mem 'Kridanta' = participle in Hindi
• Sarvanama = pronoun
• Hindi mem 'kala' = Tenses in Hindi
• Hindi me 'samasa' = Compound words in Hindi
• Prayojanamulaka Hindi, vol.1-2
• Upasarga aura pratyaya ka tulanatmaka adhyayana = comparative study of prefixes and suffixes
• Plural formation of nouns and adjectives = Sanjnaom aura viseshanom ke bahuvacana rupa
• Hindi-Malayalam
• Hindi-Bangla
• Bhakti sahitya ki dhara, pt.1-2
• Hindi mem karaka cihna = postposition in Hindi
16th January 2012 uprated
Notice: New acquisitions |
C-DATS continuously collects magazines in South Asian languages. The listed below are newly acquired. Since it will take some time for perusal in the university library, please contact C-DATS directly.
• Kocabihara darpana,vol.4 no.19-24 (1942), vol.5 no.2-24 (1942-43) vol.6 no.1-18, 20-24 (1943-1944), vol.7 no.1-24 (1944-45) bound in 3
• Srinikhilanatha Raya, ?ā?vati : masika patrika o samalocani,vol.4 (1916?) bound in one
• Journal of the K.R. Cama Oriental Institute, no.1-20 (1922-32), no.28-31 (1935-37), no.34-36 (1940-1943), no.41 (1967), golden jubilee vol. (1969), no.46 (1978) bound in 10
• Atma dharma, vol.23 no.4-7, 9 (1965?) bound in one
• Jaina = The jain, vol.22 no.1-50 (1924) bound in one
• Jaina hitecchu, vol.1 no.1-12 (1899-1900), vol.5 no.1-12 (1903-04), vol.6 no.1-12 (1904-05) bound in 3 3
• Jaina yuga, vol.1 no.1-12 (1925-26?), vol.2 no.1-12 (1926-27?), vol.3 no.1-2, 4-12 (1927-28?) bound in 3
• Jainasamacara = The jaina samachar, vol.2 no.2, 4-29, 31-49, 51-52 (1907) bound in one 1
• Purātatva, vol.2 no.1-4 (1980), vol.4 no.1-4 (1982) bound in 2
• Sri Atmananda prakasa, vol.21 no.1-12 (1922-23), vol.22 no.1-10, 12 (1923-34), vol.23 no.1-5, 7-12 (1924-25), vol.24 no.2-6, 8-12 (1925-26), vol.25 no.1-12 (1926-27), vol.47 no.1-2, 4-5, 8-9, 11 (1948-49), vol.49 no.1, 3-11 (1950-51), vol.58 no. 1-12 (1960), vol.59 no.1-12 (1961) bound in 7
• Sri jivadaya, vol.43 no.9-12 (1971), vol.44 no.1-7 (1971) bound in one
?ījainadharmaprasāraka Sabhā, vol.42 no.1-12 (1982-83) bound in one
• Suvarnamala, vol.1 no.4-5 (varsa 10 anka 84-85), (1982) bound in one 1
• Balaka, vol.3 no.2-12 (1985) bound in one
• Bālasakhā, vol.1 no.1-12 (1917), vol.24 no.1-2, 4-5, 7-12 (1940) bound in 2 2
• Bhugola, vol.11 no.1-12 (1934-35) bound in one
• Jagarana, vol.1 no.1-9, (10?), 13-27, 30, 33, 36-37 (1933)
• Jnana yajna, vol.2 no. 1-2, 4-9, 11-12 (1963-64) bound in one
• J?ānodaya, aug, oct, dec 1956, sep 1957 bound in one
• Kalyā?a, vol.34 no.2-12 (1960), vol.35 (1961), vol.36 no.1 (1962), vol.48 no.1 (1974) bound in 4
• Nigamagamacandrika, vol.15 no.10-12, vol.16 no.1-2, 4-8, 10-12 bound in one
• Osavāla-navayuvaka, vol.1 no.1-12 (1928-29)
• Rajasthani vira, vol.21 no.1-8, 10-11 (1962-63) bound in one
• Sasvata dharma, vol.2 no.2, 5-6, 8, 10-12 (1954) vol.3 no.1-8, 10-12 (1955) bound in one
• ?rama?opāsaka, vol.2 no.13-24 (1965) bound in one
• Taruna jaina, vol.14 no.2-5 maru dhara anka (1966) bound in one
• Udyama, vol.29 no.1-12 (1947), vol.30 no.1-6 (1948) bound in 22
• Vijnana, vol.19 no.1, 3, 6 (1981), vol.21 no.1 (1982), vol.22 no.1-5 (1982), vol.23 no.1-2, 4-6 (1983), vol.24 no.1-6 (1983) bound in 33
Events and News 2011
12th December updated
Recent Acquisitions |
New microfilm collections are added to our holdings.
• Church of North India, Gujarat Archives
• Church of North India, Monograph Collection
See also publisher's site (Link to IDC site) for the scope of collections. These collection are still in process. Please contact C-DATS office for perusal.
12th December updated
Online catalogue update |
Online catalogue of C-DATS collection is updated. Now 34,000 items are catalogued.
27th September updated
Notice: New Publication |
C-DATS publishes a photo collection in CD-ROM (in Japanese).
"Hodo-kisha tachi no Ajia - Maruyama Shizuo (1909-2006) no baai ['Asia' through the eyes of a Journalist: Shizuo Maruyama (1909-2006) ]".
General Editors : Hiroshi Sato and Takeshi Fujii
Editor: Kyosuke Adachi
Please contact C-DATS office for use.
Office Address:
Centre for Documentation and Area Trans-cultural studies,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1Asahicho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534 Japan
27th September updated
Recent Acquisitions |
Following hydrographic maps are now available. Please contact C-DATS office for perusal.
Bay of Bengal (no.2901)
South of Ceylon island (no.2952).
North Maldives (no. 3103)
Central Maldives (no. 3104)
South Maldives (no. 3106)
South Indian Ocean (no. 3198)
Chagos Archipelago and Madagascar (no. 3363)
Seychelles (no. 3364)
Chagos Archipelago (no. 3369)
Indian Ocean, part 1 (no.3372)
Mauritius (no. 3376)
1st September
Recent Acquisitions |
C-DATS is continuously collecting government reports. Please check the list of recent acquisitions.
5th July updated
Recent acquisitions |
New material is added to our collection.
• Jana Satta. 1991.
26th April updated
Recent Acquisitions |
New journal is now available. Please contact C-DATS office for perusal.
• The Journal of the Families in British India Society, Nos.1-20 (1999-2008).
26th April updated
Notice: New research project |
From FY 2011 C-DATS launches a new research project titled "Project-Rahul" . This project focuses Rahul Sankritiyayan (9th April 1893 - 14th April 1963), an outstanding writer and social reformer in modern India. We attempt to trace his trajectory and to understand his thought by close study of his literature.
Contact address
Centre for Documentation and Area Trans-cultural studies,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1Asahicho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534 Japan
7th April
Notice: Digitized collection |
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies has been playing a key role for education and research of foreign studies since its origin, "Bansho-Shirabesho (Institute for Research of Foreign Document)" established by the Edo Shogunate in 1856.
C-DATS starts digitizing a special collection of rare books for foreign studies which were published in the Edo Shogunate. 86 items were digitized in FY 2010. Digitized materials include 30 items of English studies, 29 Dutch, 9 French, 5 Portuguese, 2 Germany and 1 Russian as well as 10 general European studies. From FY 2011 we will start uploading the data on the website, "Prometheus (TUFS Academic Collection)".
Contact address
Centre for Documentation and Area Trans-cultural studies,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1Asahicho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534 Japan
21th February updated
Recent acquisitions |
These materials listed below are newly added to our collection.
• Confidential U.S. State Department Central files. India: foreign affairs (1950-54) : decimal numbers 691 and 611.91.
• The Richard M. Nixon National Security Files, 1969-1974 : India-Pakistan War of 1971.
• Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to U.S. Political Relations with Afghanistan, 1930-1959 : decimal file 711.
• Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Afghanistan, 1945-1963 : decimal file 890H.
• Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Afghanistan, 1960-1963 : decimal files 789, 889.
They are temporarily preserved in C-DATS office. Please contact us in advance to come and use them.
10th February updated
Online catalogue update |
Online catalogue of C-DATS collection is updated. Now 31,000 items are catalogued.
27th January updated
Notice: Temporary suspend of issue of Microfilm/Microfiche materials |
Microfilms and microfiches are unavailable due to mending.
Please contact the service counter in the library for more information.
TUFS-Library information service section.
Tel: 042-330-5196 (weekdays 9:00-17:00).
Events and News 2010
24th November updated
Notice: New aquisition of periodicals. |
These materiala are newly added to our collection.
•Asiatic journal and monthly register for British India and its dependencies. London , 1816-1829.
•Asiatic journal and monthly register for British and foreign India, China and Australia. London, 1830-1843.
•Asiatic journal and monthly miscellany. London, 1843-1845.
•Indianman Magazine. 1996-2006.
19th October updated
Notice: New Acquisition of Maps collection (in Japanese) |
Some Maps have been added to our collection. They are preserved in C-DATS office. Please contact us in advance to come and see them. See also FAQ.
12th October updated
Online catalogue update |
Online catalogue of C-DATS collection is updated. Now 30,000 items are catalolgued.
16th September updated
Recent aquisitions |
This material is newly added to our collection.
Jana Satta. 1990.
2nd June updated
Recent acquisitions |
These materials listed below are newly added to our collection.
Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, and Marathi Jewish Printing in India(in Japanese)
Calcutta Review(in Japanese)
7th April updated
Notice: Completion of transfer of Microform cabinets |
Microfilm/Microfiche materials are avairable again after completion of transfer of microform cabinets from C-DATS office to the university library.
Please apply to the service counter in the library to peruse them. See this page.
18th February updated
Notice: Temporary suspend of issue of Microfilm/Microfiche materials |
Microfilms and microfiches are unavailable due to transfer of microform cabinets from C-DATS office to the library.
Events and News 2009
25th December updated
Recent acquisitions (in Japanese) |
One video and a teaching material are added to our collection. They are preserved in C-DATS office. Please contact us in advance to come and use them. See also FAQ.
11th November updated
Notice: Recent acquisition of Maps collection (in Japanese) |
Some Maps have been added to our collection. They are preserved in C-DATS office. Please contact us in advance to come and see them. See also FAQ.
15th July updated
Notice: Recent acquisition of Microfilm collection |
Some Microfilms have been added to our collection. They are preserved in C-DATS office. Please contact us in advance to come and read them. See also FAQ.
Events and News 2008
1st October updated
Notice: Location of our collection |
Location of our collection except microfilms, maps and some rare books has been shifted from closed stacks to open shelves (Stack Room Level 2) in the TUFS Library. Please check the following location guide to find books.
Location guide https://www.tufs.ac.jp/common/library/images/shoko-2f.gif
9th September updated
Notice: New office |
Due to a renovation work, C-DATS office room has moved to the 4th floor of Research Lecture Building. As of September 2nd 2008 the new office room is:
401E2 in the Graduate Student's Room.
The entrance doors are locked. Kindly call 042-330-5540, please. Thank you for your cooperation.
Map of the 4th floor (Click to enlarge)

15th August updated
Notice: "FAQ" page |
We opened a new page on "Frequently Asked Questions".
-What is the activity of C-DATS after "21st Century Centre of Excellence Programme"?
-Where is your office? What are your opening times?
-How can I consult C-DATS collection?
-How can I access to Dilins (Digital Library network System for C-DATS) ?
-How can I ask for a copy of centre's publication?
-What should I do for a permission to reproduce C-DATS publication?
-Contact Address
1st May updated
Notice: New Publication |
Please note that the Centre has published following title |
•A Final Report of the Activities of C-DATS
Since its inception in October 2002, the C-DATS endeavoured to establish a documentation centre on Asian and African languages under a five years' programme, "Centre of Excellence" by the MEXT. This report aims to consider the objectives and the accomplishment during the above period(2002-2006). For details, please contact with the C-DATS office.
Office Address:
Centre for Documentation and Area Trans-cultural studies,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1Asahicho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534 Japan
14th February updated
Notice: New Publication (C-DATS studies on Asia and Africa) |
Please note that the Centre has published following title.
• A Memoir of Misumi Saichiro; The Story of Indo-Japanese Relations by MISUMI Saichiro and others [written in Japanese]
Centre's publications are not for sale. We will distribute to those who apply for them for free, provided that the postage will be extra.
Office Address:
Centre for Documentation and Area Trans-cultural studies,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1Asahicho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534 Japan
email:  |
29th January updated
Notice: Prometheus Academic Collections |
Please be advised that effective March 31, our Digital Library Network System (Dilins) will be transferred to TUFS library system (Prometheus Academic Collections). Prometheus Academic Collections is the system to store and disseminate the research & educational achievements of the TUFS community. The collections include the bulletin papers, dissertations, research papers, and historical archives. Thank you for your attention.
Link: Dilins in Prometheus Academic Collections
Events and News 2007
4th December updated
Notice: Posterior assesments |
Posterior assessments by Japan Society for Promotion of Science has been announced. The programme committee thinks highly of our achievement at the assessment. We believe that the documentation in Afro-Asian languages receives international recognition.
After the 21st century programme, the Centre for Documentation and Area- Transcultural Studies (C-DATS) will extend its activities as a branch of Center of Advanced Global Studies, TUFS.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.
Link : Japan Society for Promotion of Science -21st Century Programme.
16th October updated
List of articles on the centre
A. Explanatory notes
(1) [in Japanese] FUJII, Takeshi 2004, "Asian studies and libraries in Japan", Symposium: the new horizon of library services toward the better understanding (National Diet Library Kansai-kan), pp. 1-10.
(2) Fujii, Takeshi 2004. "Keynote address: Asian studies and libraries in Japan", Symposium: the new horizon of library services toward the better understanding (National Diet Library Kansai-kan), pp. 88-95.
(3) [in Japanese] Fujii, Takeshi 2005 , "Area studies and its resources", JCAS Review, 7(1), 157-169.
(4) [in Japanese] Fujii Takeshi 2005, "Activities of the Centre for Documentation and Area-Transcultural Studies" in In-pa kai kaiho, 15, pp.3-7.
(5) [in Japanese] Fujii Takeshi 2006, "Experience in the Centre for Documentation and Area-Transcultural Studies" in Archives Newsletter, 4, pp. 2-4.
(6) [in Japanese] Fujii Takeshi 2007, "What was the idea of Centre for Documentation and Area-Transcultural Studies" in Trends in the Sciences (SCJ Forum), 12(6), pp 24-29.
(7) [in Japanese] Fujii Takeshi 2006, "Report of the Centre for Documentation and Area-Transcultural Studies" in In-pa kai kaiho, 16, pp.3-7.
(8) [in Japanese] Fujii Takeshi 2007, "Aims, Objects and Activities of the Centre for Documentation and Area-Transcultural Studies (C-DATS): 21st Century Center of Excellence Program, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS)", Ajia-Keizai 48(10), pp.56-68.
(9) [in Japanese] Kyosuke Adachi 2007, "Creating archives for Afro-Asian Studies; the Center for Documentation and Area-Transcultural Studies", Newsletter from Japan Consortium for Area Studies 5, pp.8-9.
B. Related articles
(1) [in Japanese] "Archives and history", Rekishigaku kenkyu 789 [our members contributed to this special number]
(2) [in Japanese] "Archives in developing countries", Ajiken World Trends 114 [our members contributed to this special number]
C. Mass media
(1) [in Japanese] "Taking a new turn of Afro-Asian studies: Centre for Documentation and Area-Transcultural Studies", Bessatsu takarajima noberu sho wo mezasu daigaku kenkyu rankingu, 789, 2003, p.99
(2) [in Japanese] "Establishing a documentation network: Cenre for Documentation and Area Transcultural Studies", Takuetsusuru daigaku 2006nendo ban, 2005, pp.36-37
(3) [in Japanese] "21st century COE: the forefront of science; Non-exploitative documentation centre - Tokyo University of Foreign Studies" Ronza June 2006, pp.236-239.
(4) [in Japanese] "Preservation of Japanese internee records", Nikkei Shimbun August 5, 2005.
(5) [in Japanese] "People: preservation of endangered manuscripts - appeal by Aceh State Museum" Asahi shimbun October 22, 2005. [mentioned Aceh project]
(6) [in Japanese] "Window: remembrance historical facts" Asahi Shimbun August 3, 2006 [mentioned Bangladesh Oral Archives project]
(7) [in Japanese] "Tensho" Daily Tohoku December 7, 2004 [mentioned the preservation of Indowala-kai records]
(8) Sriwijaya Post, 19 August 2003., Media Indonesia, 6 October 2003., Kompas, 15 August 2003 and 4-5 October 2005., The Daily Jakarta Shimbun, 29 July 2004., Analisa, December 2005, Serambi, December 2005. [mentioned our projects in Indonesia]
(9) Besir Ayvazoglu, "Hakki Tarik Us K?t?phanesi," Terc?man, 9 April, 2006. M. Selim G?k?e, "Hakki Tarik Us K?t?phanesi," T?rk Edebiyati, No. 391, May, 2006.
D. Books
(1) [in Japanese] Sawaya, Tomomi 2005 Tooki sora wo mitsumete [mentioned the presearvation of Indowala-kai records]
(2) Sukumar Biswas (comp., ed.) History from Below, Accounts of participants and eyewitness, Dhaka: Muktijuddha Gabeshana Kendra, 2007).
(3) Selahattin ?zt?rk, "Hakki Tarik Us K?t?phanesi," H?seyin T?rkmen (ed.), Yazmalara Adanmis Bir ?m?r: Nimet Bayraktar'a Armagan. Istanbul, 2006
E. Review articles
(1) [in Japanese] Sato, Hiroshi 2006, Information: Matsumoto Shusaku (comp.), India Studies in Japan; A Bibliography of Books Published from the Early Meiji Era until 2000, in Asian Economies 47(11), p. 77.
(2) Turin, Mark 2007. "On Archives: Toshie AWAYA, ed., Creating an Archive today" IIAS Newsletter, no.43 (Spring), 24.
(3) [in Japanese] Kanazawa Bunpokaku 2007, "Bibliography news", Bunken keisho [mentioned Mastumoto (comp. ) India Studies and Adachi Kyosuke (comp.) Index to Japanese Periodical Articles on South Asia]
(4) [in Japanese] Nihon Kosho Tsushin 2007, "Around the book; introduction of literature sui generis - bibliography and catalogue", Nihon kosho tsushin, 72(3), p. 35. [mentioned Matsumoto comp. India studies]
(5) [in Japanese] Iwaki Takahiro 2007, "Enritinhg the past: Preservation, Conservation and Study of Myanmar Manuscripts. ed. by Teruko Saito & U Taw Kaung / The Catalogue of materials on Myanmar History in Microfilms, vol.1, 2 ed. by Thu Nandar", Shigaku Zasshi Vol.CXVI NO.9, pp. 96-97.
C-DATS Oral Archives Project
We have completed to bind following transcriptions. These materials are used only for academic purpose. Please apply to the centre for permission to use.
(1) Bangladesh: oral evidence on Bangladesh Liberation War (Bangladesh Liberation War 1971; Oral evidence 12 vols. )
(2) Nepal: the record of trans-Himalayan traders (Transcription 59 vols. )
(3) Vietnam: Collection and recollection of wartime memory (Transcription 7 vols.)
(4) Thailand: Thai students in Japan during Asia-Pacific War (Transcription 1 vol.)
(5) Indonesia: Oral archives on Japanese military government: arrangement, preservation and digitization ( 9 CD-ROMs A. Rasyid Asba, ed., Katalog Sejarah Lisan Jepang di Sulawesi Selatan[C-DATS Studies on Asia and Africa] )
(6) China: History of Chaoxianzu women (Transcription 1 vol.)
Outcomes of joint project
We are happy to inform that following outcomes of joint project are now open to public. They are housed at the center for perusal. Please contact with the Centre for Documentation and Area Trans-cultural studies.
• Digitization of Mohammed Daoud's library collection ( 6 CD-ROMs, Hasna Daoud, ed., Catalogue of the legal documents preserved in Mohammed Daoud's Library at Tetouan (Morocco).[in Arabic, C-DATS studies on Asia and Afirca on the Web])
• Digitization of Hakk? Tar?k Us Library (1 CD-ROM and Catalogue 1 vol. mSelahattin OZTURK, Abdurrahman M. HACHIISMAILOGLU and Muhammed HIZARCI, eds. Hakki Tarik Us Kutuphanesi Katalogu; Sureli Yayinlar (Istanbul, Istanbul Buyuksehir Belediyesi Kultur ve Turizm Daire Baskanligi Kultur Mudurlugu, 2006)
• Digitization of photographs of Indian women ( 1 CD-ROMs 1 collection of photographs, [Malavika Karlekar, ed., Visualizing Indian women, 1875-1947 (New Delhi: Oxford University Press), 2006.])
• Digitization of traditional manuscripts in Myanmar; Dr. Toe Hla Colelction, Para-baik manuscripts in Meiktila region and central Myanmmar. (814 CD-ROMs (315, 238 and 261 respectively), 13 reels of Microfilm)
•Microforming of newspapers during Nationalism movement; Thuriya, Kyibwayei Magazine, New Times of Burma, the Nation, Burma Star, The Guardian, Myanmar Alin. (35reels of microfilm)
•Digitization of Dr. Hla Pe rarebook collection ( 60 CD-ROMs, 11 reels of microfilm)
•Microforming of Collection of Khmer Codes, 1891, Minutes of the meetings of the Council of Ministers of Cambodia, 1897-1937>A Minutes of the meetings of the Assembly Office, 1946-49. (2, 69 and 10 reels of microfilm)
• Collection of propaganda during the Vietnam war.
• Microforming of Cong-Bao, Cong-Hoa (7 reels of microfilm)
• Digitization of the Panduranga-Champa royal archives owned by Soci?t? Asiatique in Paris (13 CD-ROMs)
• Digitization of indigenous documents (175 CD-ROMs , Catalogue 3 vols. [ M.Yusuf, ed., Katalogus Manuskrip dan Skriptorium Minangkabau: catalogue of manuscripts and scriptorium in Minangkabau, Achadiati Ikram, ed., Katalog Naskah palembang: catalogue of Palembang manuscripts, Oman Fathurahman and Munawar Holil, eds., Katalog Naskah Ali Hasjmy Aceh catalogue of Aceh manuscripts ? Ali Hasjmy Collectioni,(C-DATS studies on Asia and Africa])
•Support of the Aceh endangered archives (Laporan Survei Naskah Kuno Tahun 2006 (State Museum of Ache, CD-ROM), Translation of the text for restoration of documents
• Digitization of the documents stored at the National Central Archives of Mongolia (the fond of documents concerning the Office of Manchu Amban stationed at Khuree) (5 CD-ROMs)
• Research and Digitization of old Mongolian maps (1 CD-ROM)
• Cataloguing and microforming of the documents Huizhou(1 reel of microfilm and reprint of the documents [The Documents of Cheng Family in Huizhou Shexian edited by USUI Sachiko (C-DATS studies on Asia and Africa)] )
• Questionnaire survey on a grass-roots effect of economic globalization (1 floppy disk)
Notice: Dilins' Digitization of materials
C-DATS has completed digitizing materials (FY 2006). Full page images are uploaded and available at "Dilins". C-DATS journals and 123 rare books. have been digitized so far.
List of materials linked full page images
To browse materials, PDF reader (for C-DATS journals) and DjVu file viewer (for rare books) are requisite. Please refer to this help for Dilins
Notice: C-DATS studies on Asia and Africa on the Web
CDATS starts to put research outcomes on the web site to the public. Following three papers are exclusively uploaded at Dilins.
• Bibliography on the Jews in Maghreb: 1993-2005. Edited by Kentaro SATO.
• Bibliography on travelogues describing Morocco in 17th-19th century Europe. Edited by Kazuaki TAKESHITA
• Power and society in pre-modern Asia: views from historical documents. Edited by Hiroshi Futaki/
C-DATS Studies on Asia and Africa on the Web
17th April updated
Project report: Collaboration with Daoud's Library in Morocco |
Printed material group presents the catalogue of Mohammed Daoud's Library.
"Catalogue of the Legal Documents Preserved in Mohammed Daoud's Library at Tetouan (Morocco) Edited by Hasna Daoud (Mohammed Daoud's Library at Tetouan, Director) PDF 1MB
Details on the collaboration
Project report: Bangladesh oral archives [in Japanese]
The final volume of Bangladesh oral archives project, Bangladesh Liberation War 1971 Oral Evidence, vol. 12 has arrived at the centre. The reports are now in the custody of the centre and open to the public perusal.
Abstract and Table of contents
Notice: Renewal of our English site
Centre's activities (FYs 2002-2006) has been updated.
Centre's Journal vol. 9 has been published
Please note that the Centre has published the journal vol.9.
Office Address:
Centre for Documentation and Area Trans-cultural studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1Asahicho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534 Japan
Notice: New Publication (C-DATS studies on Asia and Africa)
Notice: Postgraduate students subsidy programme; FY 2006 Colloquium
Please not that we will hold a colloquium by the recipients of postgraduate students subsidy programme (FY 2006).
Venue |
Research-Lecture Building 427 |
Date |
15 Feb. 2007, 13:10- |
International Symposium: Documentation and Area Studies in Asia and North Africa
On 16 and 17 December 2006, the international symposium "Documentation and Area Studies in Asia and North Africa" was held. The papers will be translated and reproduced in the centre's journal vol.9.
Details on the symposium
Notice: New Publication (C-DATS studies on Asia and Africa) |
Please note that the Centre has published following 2titles.
• The Documents of Cheng Family in Huizhou Shexian, edited by USUI Sachiko
• Index to Japanese Periodical Articles on South Asia; "Journal of the Indo-Japanese Association", "Indo-Karukatta-Nihon-Shohinkan-Kanpo", "Journal of the Indo-Japanese Economic Association", "Shin-Ajia", "Sogo-Indo-Geppo". Edited by ADACHI Kyosuke
Centre's publications are not for sale. We will distribute to those who apply for them for free, provided that the postage will be extra.
Office Address:
Centre for Documentation and Area Trans-cultural studies,
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
3-11-1Asahicho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534 Japan