2018 Activity Report
March Activity Report
31 March 2019
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
Our biggest event during March was Asian Week, organized on March 4-8 for the fifth time already. VMU Asian Week is a one week-long cycle of events dedicated to East Asian countries – China, Japan and Korea. It is done through the presentation of specific aspects of culture, arts and cuisine.
This year the event took place in venues of VMU and other public places in Kaunas, introducing Asian cuisine, languages, cultures, martial arts, etc. Japanese culture took very important part during this week. Ambassador of Japan H.E. Shiro Yamasaki participated in the opening ceremony, while his wife introduced Japanese cuisine for Kaunas citizens during the Day of tastes. CAS social partners in Lithuania actively participated in the organization of this event. Events organized last year were a great success and attracted a lot of attention from the general public, schoolchildren and media.
This month I am finishing my duties as Coordinator of the Global Japan Office. Last two years since the establishment of GJO were an amazing period of my life. However, I am leaving my position at Vytautas Magnus University, and now it is time to pass this responsibility to younger generation. Ms. Kayako Takagi, who is Japanese language teacher at our university, will take the coordination of GJO from April.
Using this opportunity, let me express my appreciation for Tokyo University of Foreign Studies for establishing Global Japan Office in Kaunas and for an opportunity to coordinate it. It was big honour to work in this position.
As I continue my life and will remain in activities building bridges among the nations, I do hope we will have even more opportunities to work together in future.
February Activity Report
28 February 2019
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
During February we organized two more screening of our documentary movie. One of them was in Kaunas on February 7, where many people came, including Kaunas city Vice-mayor Simonas Kairys. Another screening was hosted in Nagoya by the request of Nagoya City. It was organized on February 8 at Zuiryo Culture Theatre and attracted many spectators. Unfortunately, the representative of GJO could not participate, but the event was organized by Nagoya side.
On February 25, 2019, Japanese-Lithuanian Dictionary was expanded with a new function of Kanji dictionary and moved to the new address (jishokun.lt). From now, the users will be able not only to search the words, but also to get some information about every kanji, including its kun- and on- readings, number of strokes, basic structure, usage frequency and even animation. An exchange student from TUFS, Mr. Motoshi Yaguchi contributed much for this project.
This month was also dedicated for preparations for the future events.
1) The annual Asian Week is planned for the first week of March, and will include a variety of Japanese culture related activities. GJO started preparations for it together with VMU students, Japanese exchange students and our partners in Lithuania.
2) Hiroshima University Speech Contest is planned in May. We already started preparations for it.
January Activity Report
31 January 2019
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
During January, it is vacation season for our students. Therefore, no major events were organized, and the majority of time this month was spent for the Kanji dictionary project.
By February 25, 2019, Japanese-Lithuanian Dictionary (nihongo.vdu.lt) will be expanded with a new function of Kanji dictionary. The users will be able not only to search the words, but also to get some information about every kanji, including its kun- and on- readings, number of strokes, basic structure, usage frequency and even animation. That means, a database of ~4000 kanji must be created and tested. An exchange student, Mr. Motoshi Yaguchi continues the internship in the project related to the development of online Lithuanian-Japanese Language Dictionary.
As this month had very few events due to vacation season, it was also dedicated for preparations for the new year. Global Japan Office is planning several projects for this year.
1) Documentary about Ch. Sugihara. As the first documentary movie by GJO had a huge success, the project for a new documentary was applied for several foundations. In the case of successful financing, the creation would start on April 2019.
2) The annual Asian Week is planned for the first week of March, and will include a variety of Japanese culture related activities. GJO started preparations for it together with VMU students, Japanese exchange students and our partners in Lithuania.
3) Hiroshima University Speech Contest is planned in May. We already started preparations for it.
?ecember Activity Report
31 ?ecember 2018
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
December is exam season at our university. Therefore this month had very few events. However, it was dedicated for preparations for the next year. Global Japan Office is planning several projects for the next year, and these projects were submitted during December.
Documentary about Ch. Sugihara. As the first documentary movie by GJO had a huge success with numerous screenings and positive feedback, the project for a new documentary was applied for several foundations. It is planned as a movie about Chiune Sugihara and the story will be presented through the eyes of witnesses. In the case of successful financing, the creation will start on May 2019.
Kanji project. By March 2019, Japanese-Lithuanian Dictionary (nihongo.vdu.lt) will be expanded with a new function of Kanji dictionary. The users will be able not only to search the words, but also to get some information about every kanji. Present GJO intern, Mr. Motoshi Yaguchi from TUFS, is helping with this project. He continues the internship in the project related to the development of online Lithuanian-Japanese Language Dictionary.
During December, the result of the previous GJO internship conducted by Ms. Chen Jiahui, was finally publicized. She prepared 40 very nice texts about different places of Kaunas, and these texts were put on the Online dictionary. Now, the users of the dictionary can find very helpful information about Kaunas and its sightseeing spots.

November Activity Report
30 November 2018
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
During November, coordinator of GJO was visiting Japan, and participating in numerous events. He introduced the the Documentary “Kaunas, the City of Sugihara and Japan” through the screenings, and made several lectures about the Japanese studies in Kaunas, so introducing the activities of Global Japan Office. The screenings took place in Tsuruga, Yaotsu, Ochanomizu University and Tokyo University of Foreign tudies. The screenings were extremely successful, and attracted wide audiences.

An exchange student, Mr. Motoshi Yaguchi continues the internship in the project related to the development of online Lithuanian-Japanese Language Dictionary (nihongo.vdu.lt), creating its new function as kanji dictionary. The project is planned to finish by February, 2019.
On November 12, a new agreement was signed between Vytautas Magnus University and Ochanomizu University. This agreement helps promote Japanese studies even better.
October Activity Report
31 October 2018
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
During October there were three more screenings of the Documentary “Kaunas, the City of Sugihara and Japan” on October 18-19th, 2018, which was created with the cooperation of Global Japan Office. The screenings took place in Druskininkai, Kurkliai (the birthplace of Steponas Kairys, who is featured in the movie) and Anyk??iai. The screenings were extremely successful, and attracted wide audiences. Among the guests, Ambassador of Japan in Lithuania Mr. Shiro Yamasaki and Anyk??iai City Mayor also participated.
During November, 4 screenings are planned in Japan, including TUFS Cinema Hall.

An exchange student from TUFS, Mr. Motoshi Yaguchi continues the internship in the project related to the development of online Lithuanian-Japanese Language Dictionary (nihongo.vdu.lt), creating its new function as kanji dictionary. The project is planned to finish by February, 2019. There were several meetings with him to discuss the progress.
On October 23, a new agreement was signed between Vytautas Magnus University and Gifu University. This agreement helps promote Japanese studies even better.
September Activity Report
30 September 2018
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
September was the busiest month for Global Japan Office during this year, as we have two our biggest annual events.
Sugihara Week (GJO participated as partner of this festival) lasted during September 3-9, and was a range of events taking part in various places of Kaunas. Such events as Sugihara Symposium, Cherry Trees Planting, film screenings, exhibitions and concerts were organized. The festival attracted the audience of approximately 4000-5000 and is considered as one of TOP10 events of Kaunas this year. Among the honorable guests of the festival were Mr. Takanori Kawai (Vice-Governor of Gifu Prefecture), Mr. Yukio Murase (Honorary Consul of Lithuania in Fukuyama), Mr. Masanori Kaneko (Yaotsu Town mayor), etc. The event also attracted numerous researchers and artists from Lithuania and Japan. In total approximately 100 participants from Japan joined the activities.
Detailed program of Sugihara Week: http://asc.vdu.lt/wp-content/uploads/SW_lankstinukas_JP.pdf
The 29th EAJRS Conference was organized on September 12-15. This conference changes its location every year, and this year Kaunas was selected as the most suitable place for its organization. GJO was one of its organizers together with the European Association of Japanese Recourse Specialists. The Conference attracted 97 participants from such countries as Japan, China, USA, Canada, India, France, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Slovenia etc.
The main topic of this Conference dedicated to localization of resources in the global context, thus this year the topic was “(G)localizing Japanese Studies Resources”. Furthermore, considering the fact that the Conference was organized in Kaunas, a city having strong relations with Chiune Sugihara, who was saving Jewish lives here in 1939-40, part of the conference was be dedicated to resources related to the World War II.
European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists is one of the biggest organization uniting Japanology specialists in the world providing special attention to accumulation of Japanology resources, creation, management and distribution. Its conferences occur annually since 1994 mainly in the Western European countries and attract hundreds of specialists from all around the globe, not only from Europe and Japan but also from Australia, United States and Asian countries.
More information: http://www.eajrs.net/conferences/2018-kaunas
A new exchange student, Mr. Motoshi Yaguchi arrived on late August to Kaunas. He met GJO coordinator during late September, and we had discussion regarding further possibilities. As Mr. Yaguchi expressed his will to join the internship program, he will join the internship in the project related to the development of online Lithuanian-Japanese Language Dictionary (nihongo.vdu.lt), creating its new function as kanji dictionary. The project is planned to finish by February, 2019.
On September 24th, 2018 VMU Centre for Asian studies together with the Komaru Kotsū Foundation and Hiroshima University Lithuania Center organized Japanese language contest. The authors of the best speeches Salom?ja Jur?naite and Matas Jagelavi?ius won an opportunity to participate in an international Japanese language program on February-March 2019, in Hiroshima University, Japan.
August Activity Report
31 August 2018
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
During August 21-September 01, Hiroshima University Summer Fellowship was organized in Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University. 24 students spent two weeks in Lithuania learning English language, Lithuanian culture and history, also participating at homestay program.
Also, Global Japan Office helped organizing Kaunas-Yaotsu schoolchildrens’ exchange. 22 shoolchildren from Yaotsu Secondary schools participated at homestay program in Kaunas and had teaching program at J. Dobkevi?ius Secondary School.
August was very active for preparations, as two big events are organized during September.
? Sugihara Week 2018 is planned for September 3-9. Several big concerts, Symposium on Humanism, and planting of Sakura Alley in Kaunas are planned among other events. The event is organized by VMU Centre for Asian Studies, Kaunas Municipality and Sugihara Group. GJO will be one of the partners of the event.
? EAJRS Conference 2018 is planned for September 12-15. We are proud that Kaunas and VMU was selected as a place for the annual conference of European Association of Japanese Resources Specialists (EAJRS). This is a big academic event, attracting scholars of Japanese studies from all the world. It is the first such conference in the Baltic States. Global Japan Office and VMU Library will be the partners of the event.
Link: http://asc.vdu.lt/2018/08/lietuviskai-29-oji-eajrs-konferencija/
July Activity Report
31 July 2018
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
The Documentary「カウナス スギハラを、日本を想う」was finally introduced to Japanese audience. On July 28, Japan Premiere took place in Gifu city. Around 200 guests attended the screening, including the citizens of Gifu, as well as guests from Tsuruga, Kobe, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, etc., including the people who contributed for the movie. The Premiere was officially opened by Ambassador of Lithuania Gediminas Varvuolis, and GJO Coordinator Dr Aurelijus Zykas participated as well. A big Nemunas Ensemble from Lithuania (Kaunas) also joined the screening. After the screening, a discussion about the movie and Japan-Lithuania relations was organized. Next screenings of the movie are planned in Kaunas, during Sugihara Week. Partners and sponsors of the movie are: Toshiba International Foundation, Global Japan Office, ProConf and Kaunas City Municipality.
Facebook of the Documentary is: https://www.facebook.com/KaunasJaponija/
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsNU7lAtrc8
Ms. Chen who is studying at VMU for the second semester finished her internship of the Japanese-Lithuanian dictionary (nihongo.vdu.lt) project. The renewal of database is planned in October.
During May, GJO was coordinating 2 big projects of this year:
? Sugihara Week 2018 is planned for September 3-8. Several big concerts, Symposium on Humanities, and planting of Sakura Alley in Kaunas are planned among other events. The event is organized by VMU Centre for Asian Studies, Kaunas Municipality and Sugihara Group. GJO will be one of the partners of the event.
? EAJRS Conference 2018 is planned for September 12-15. We are proud that Kaunas and VMU was selected as a place for the annual conference of European Association of Japanese Resources Specialists (EAJRS). This is a big academic event, attracting scholars of Japanese studies from all the world. It is the first such conference in the Baltic States. Global Japan Office and VMU Library will be the partners of the event.
Link: http://asc.vdu.lt/2018/02/2018-eajrs-conference-in-kaunas/
June Activity Report
30 June 2018
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
On June 1, there was screening of the Documentary「カウナス スギハラを、日本を想う」in Lithuania‘s capital Vilnius. Around 80 guests of Vilnius, including film directors, Embassy staff, etc. attended the screening. After the screening, a discussion about Japan-Lithuania relations was organized. Next screenings of movies are planned in Japan and will be organized in late July in Gifu Prefecture. The partners and sponsors of the movie are: Toshiba International Foundation, Global Japan Office, ProConf and Kaunas City Municipality.
Facebook of the Documentary is: https://www.facebook.com/KaunasJaponija/
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsNU7lAtrc8
Ms. Chen who is studying at VMU for the second semester is working as an intern at the Centre for Asian Studies. During June she was working with the Japanese-Lithuanian dictionary (nihongo.vdu.lt) project. The renewal of database is planned in October.
During May, GJO was coordinating 2 big projects of this year:
? Sugihara Week 2018 is planned for September 3-8. Several big concerts, Symposium on Humanism, and planting of Sakura Alley in Kaunas are planned among other events. The event is organized by VMU Centre for Asian Studies, Kaunas Municipality and Sugihara Group. GJO will be one of the partners of the event.
? EAJRS Conference 2018 is planned for September 12-15. We are proud that Kaunas and VMU was selected as a venue for the annual conference of European Association of Japanese Resources Specialists (EAJRS). This is a big academic event, attracting scholars of Japanese studies from all the world. It is the first time such conference takes place in the Baltic States. Global Japan Office and VMU Library will be the partners of the event.
Link: http://asc.vdu.lt/2018/02/2018-eajrs-conference-in-kaunas/
May Activity Report
31 May 2018
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
As the Documentary「カウナス スギハラを、日本を想う」was launched in April, this month was dedicated for its further promotion in Lithuania. The main cultural event was screening of the movie on May 4 in Lithuania‘s Port City Klaip?da. Around 100 guests of Klaip?da attended the screening. After the screening, a discussion about Japan-Lithuania relations was held and the activities of GJO in Kaunas explained. Partners and sponsors of the movie are: Toshiba International Foundation, Global Japan Office, ProConf and Kaunas City Municipality.
Facebook page of the Documentary : https://www.facebook.com/KaunasJaponija/
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsNU7lAtrc8
Ms. Chen who is studying at VMU for the second semester is working as intern at the Centre for Asian Studies. During March-June months she will be working for the Japanese-Lithuanian dictionary (nihongo.vdu.lt) project.
During May, GJO was coordinating 2 big projects of this year:
? Sugihara Week 2018 is planned for September 3-8. Several big concerts, Symposium on Humanism, and planting of Sakura Alley in Kaunas are planned among other events. The event is organized by VMU Centre for Asian Studies, Kaunas Municipality and Sugihara Group. GJO will be one of the partners of the event.
? EAJRS Conference 2018 is planned for September 12-15. We are proud that Kaunas and VMU was selected as a place for the annual conference of European Association of Japanese Resources Specialists (EAJRS). This is a big academic event, attracting scholars of Japanese studies from all the world. It is the first such conference in the Baltic States. Global Japan Office and VMU Library will be the partners of the event.
Link: http://asc.vdu.lt/2018/02/2018-eajrs-conference-in-kaunas/
April Activity Report
5 May 2018
Global Japan Office Coordinator
Aurelijus Zykas
The main cultural event was Premiere of the movie 「カウナス スギハラを、日本を想う」 organized on April 26 in Cinema “Romuva” Temporary Hall. Around 150 invited guests attended the premiere, including Ambassador of Japan in Lithuania Mr. Toyoei Shigeeda, Toshiba Europe, Ltd. Vice-president Mr. Koshi Noguchi, Members of Lithuanian Parlament, Kaunas City Council, University‘s authorities, etc.
Partners and sponsors of the movie are: Toshiba International Foundation, Global Japan Office, ProConf and Kaunas City Municipality.
In the documentary, the story of Kaunas – Japan bilateral relations are revealed through four personalities who prior the World War II became bridges between the two countries. It is Yukichi Fukuzawa – the first Japanese who mentioned and wrote about Kaunas in his diary. In 1862 together with the mission of 36 Japanese he traveled through Lithuania by train and went for a short stroll in Kaunas. The author of first Lithuanian books about Japan – Steponas Kairys. In 1905 he was amazed by a small distant country which managed to defeat ten times bigger Russia and inspired Lithuanians to seek independence. Even after visiting Japan for a few times, journalist and traveler Matas ?al?ius decided to reach this country from Kaunas once again… on a bike. And finaly, diplomat Chiune Sugihara united both countries in 1940 with his heroic act.
Facebook of the Documentary is: https://www.facebook.com/KaunasJaponija/
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsNU7lAtrc8
Ms. Chen who is studying at VMU for the second semester is working as intern at the Centre for Asian Studies. During March-June months she will be working with the Japanese-Lithuanian dictionary (nihongo.vdu.lt) project.
During March, GJO was coordinating 2 big projects of this year:
? Sugihara Week 2018 is planned for September 3-8. Several big concerts, Symposium on Humanism, and planting of Sakura Alley in Kaunas are planned among other events. The event is organized by VMU Centre for Asian Studies, Kaunas Municipality and Sugihara Group. GJO will be one of the partners of the event.
? EAJRS Conference 2018 is planned for September 12-15. We are proud that Kaunas and VMU was selected as a place for the annual conference of European Association of Japanese Resources Specialists (EAJRS). This is a big academic event, attracting scholars of Japanese studies from all the world. It is the first such conference in the Baltic States. Global Japan Office and VMU Library will be the partners of the event.
Link: http://asc.vdu.lt/2018/02/2018-eajrs-conference-in-kaunas/