Annual Plan

Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 12 areas of improvement starting from 2023.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learning

6. Internationalization of TUFS Registrar

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

8. Improvements in University Governance

9. Open‘Global Japan Office’ and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

11. Initiatives of the “Collaborative project between university overseas bases and offices through the provision of online Japanese language education”

12. Implementation of self-inspection evaluation and external evaluation

Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 11 areas of improvement starting from 2022.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learning

6. Internationalization of TUFS Registrar

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

8. Improvements in University Governance

9. Open‘Global Japan Office’ and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

11. Initiatives of the “Collaborative project between university overseas bases and offices through the provision of online Japanese language education”

Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 10 areas of improvement starting from 2021.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learning

6. Internationalization of TUFS Registrar

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

8. Improvements in University Governance

9. Open‘Global Japan Office’ and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 10 areas of improvement starting from 2020.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad 

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learningng

6. Internationalization of TUFS Registrar

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

8. Improvements in University Governance

9. Open‘Global Japan Office’ and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 10 areas of improvement starting from 2019.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learning

6. Internationalization of TUFS Registrar

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

8. Improvements in University Governance

9. Open ‘Global Japan Office’ and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 10 areas of improvement starting from 2018.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learning

6. Internationalization of TUFS Registrar

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

8. Improvements in University Governance

9. Open‘Global Japan Office’and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 10 areas of improvement starting from 2017.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learning

6. Internationalization of TUFS Registrar

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

8. Improvements in University Governance

9. Open‘Global Japan Office’and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 10 areas of improvement starting from 2016.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learning

6. Internationalisation of TUFS Registrar

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

8. Improvements in University Governance

9. Open ‘Global Japan Office’ and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 10 areas of improvement starting from 2015.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learning

6. Internationalisation of TUFS Registrar

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

8. Improvements in University Governance

9. Open ‘Global Japan Office’ and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Plan

We will engage in these 10 areas of improvement starting from late 2014.

1. Diversify and Advance TUFS Teaching Staff

 ?Hire foreign nationals or Japanese nationals who have an overseas research experience or who have obtained academic qualifications abroad

 ?Provide language training and overseas training for administration staff

2. Increase TUFS International Students Intake

 ?Increase the number of MOUs with overseas higher education providers

 ?Increase the number of students studying overseas short-term under the Joint Education Program and other similar programs

3. Increase the numbers of TUFS students learning Abroad

 ?Increase the number of MOUs with overseas higher education providers

 ?Increase the number of TUFS students studying abroad on short-term basis by establishing the Joint Education Program and a list of subjects that can be studying in the scope of short-term courses abroad

4. Establishing Joint Education Program with Overseas Partners

 ?Establish Joint Education Program by applying a new learning model such as learning through ‘joint-intensive seminars’ at TUFS

5. Enhanced Foreign-Language Acquisition and LOTE Learning

 ?Establish a criteria on how to evaluate LOTE (Languages other than English) Competency based on the International standard such as CEFR

 ?Establish the criteria for allocating subjects that will be delivered in foreign languages and deliver these subjects

 ?Establish short intensive seminars delivered in foreign languages within the scope of ‘Joint Education Program’

6. Internationalisation of TUFS Registrar

 ?Establish a new, TUFS Quarter System and develop a robust policy behind this new system

 ?Bilingual Syllabus (All Syllabus will be translated into English and other languages)

 ?Implement surveys on our syllabus and student-evaluations on the quality of teaching

7. Enhanced Marketing Capabilities

 ?TUFS online profile (Webpage) will be increasingly delivered in English; Global Japan Office will provide information in English and descriptions on what we do at TUFS will be provided in other than English foreign languages as well

8. Improvements in University Governance

 ?Revamp of the university’s college structure and the accompanying policies with an aim to establish the Council for Comprehensive Strategy and offices that specialise in intake and enrolments (education area), international management, and academic research

 ?Revamp of the annual salary system and the accompanying policies

 ?Assign a specialised consultant staff member to the IR Office

9. Open ‘Global Japan Office’ and ‘TUFS Study Abroad Consulting Services Centre’

 ?Open ‘Global Japan Office’ at Yangon University, Myanmar

 ?Open ‘Global Japan Office’ at Tamkang University in Taiwan, at the University of Foreign Studies in Korea and at the University of Rio De Janeiro in Brazil

 ?Open ‘TUFS Student Mobility Center’

10. Revamp TUFS University Structure; Establish New School and New Masters Course

 ?Design a program with a focus on the enhanced Japanese-language skill acquisition to be rolled out across the university

 ?Potentially run a survey and collect data on the students studying at the International Baccalaureate-accredited schools and on other students studying at schools located overseas