TUFS Open Academy Online Japanese Language Course (Fall 2024)

Application period : 10 am, August 1st, 2023 - 11:59pm, August 29th, 2024 (JST)

Course Outline

Overview of Online Japanese Courses

Course Type/ Title Level Hours Class day
Online Japanese Courses Language course Live Lesson Online Japanese Course Elementary 1

90-min. live lesson/week

Total of 15 lessons

Friday night

Elementary 2
Pre-Intermediate 1
Pre-Intermediate 2
Intermediate 1
Intermediate 2
Advanced 1
Advanced 2
Online Japanese Course With On-Demand Learning Materials Elementary 1

Self-study using online learning materials (14 weeks) + one 90-min. live lesson/month 

Total of 4 live lessons

Once-a-month live lesson on either Mon. or Tue. depending on the level.
Elementary 2
Culture Course Learning About Japanese Society For advanced-level learners

90-min. live session/week

Total of 12 sessions

Monday night
Language and Media

90-min. live session/week

Total of 6 sessions

Wednesday night
The Meaning of the
Unspoken (Introduction to
Japanese Pragmatics)
Reading Modern Japanese Literature

90-min. live session/week

Total of 12 sessions

Let's Create an Online Drama in Japanese Thursday night

Live Lesson Online Japanese Course

This Japanese language course offers 8 levels, from Elementary to Advanced, to accommodate a wide range of learners with various levels of Japanese proficiency. Learners can aim to improve their Japanese proficiency through real-time lessons in which they can interact with instructors and classmates.

  • Course Duration:October 4, 2024 to January 24, 2025
             *No classes on December 27, 2024 and January 3, 2025
             Course Calendar
  • Course Day & Hour: Friday
               JST 8:00pm – 9:30pm (90 min.)
  • Number of Sessions: Total of 15
  • Course Fee: JPY 34,000
  • Maximum Capacity: 15 for Elementary 1 and Pre-Intermediate 2
            20 for Intermediate 1 and Advanced 2
  • Instructors: Yoko Eya, Michiko Imai, Sumiko Kido, Yosuke Konya, Michiko Kumada, Jungmi Yi, Tomomi Okada, Satomi Saito, Yuuki Tanaka, Misako Ukita, Mayumi Yamada, Yui Yoshida

Levels for Live Online Japanese Course

Make sure to check the course details before applying.

Level Course Content Eligible Participants Course details / Textbooks
Elementary 1

Japanese Elementary 1 is an introductory course for those who are studying Japanese for the first time. The goal of the course is to acquire basic Japanese skills, mainly through conversation practice.

Prerequisite: Able to read and write hiragana and katakana

Course Focus: Speaking & Listening

People who are learning Japanese for the first time.

→Level Check is not required.


Elementary 2

Japanese Elementary 2 is a beginner’s course for those who have studied Japanese before. The goal is to improve Japanese language skills learned in the first half of the elementary level, mainly through conversation practice.

Course Focus: Speaking & Listening

Those who have studied introductory Japanese.

Level check for Elementary 2


Pre-Intermediate 1

Japanese Pre-Intermediate 1 is for students who have completed the elementary level course. The goal is to improve Japanese language skills beyond the elementary level, mainly through conversation practice.

Course Focus: Speaking & Listening

Those who have completed the elementary level of study

Level check for Pre-Intermediate 1


Pre-Intermediate 2

Japanese Pre-Intermediate 2 is for students who have been studying at the pre-intermediate level for a short period of time. The goal of this course is to acquire pre-intermediate Japanese skills mainly through conversation practice.

Course Focus: Speaking & Listening

Those who have studied at a pre-intermediate level for a short period of time.

Level check for Pre-Intermediate 2


Intermediate 1

Japanese Intermediate 1 is for students who have completed the pre-intermediate level of study. In addition to the study of words, grammar, and conversational expressions, students will acquire an intermediate level of Japanese language skills through the study of social and cultural themes.

Course Focus: Speaking, Listening & Reading

Those who have completed the pre-intermediate level of study.

Level check for Intermediate 1


Intermediate 2

Japanese Intermediate 2 is for students who have been studying at the intermediate level for a short period of time. Through the study of social and cultural themes as well as the study of words, grammar, and conversational expressions, students will acquire the ability to use Japanese at a higher intermediate level.

Course Focus: Speaking, Listening & Reading

Those who have studied at an intermediate level for a short period of time.

Level check for Intermediate 2


Advanced 1

Japanese Advanced 1 is for students who have completed the intermediate level of study. In addition to acquiring general knowledge of the Japanese language, culture and society, the course aims to help students acquire a pre-advanced level of Japanese language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing).

Course Focus: Speaking, Listening & Reading

Those who have completed the intermediate level of study.

Level check for Advanced 1


Advanced 2

Japanese Advanced 2 is for students who have studied at an advanced level for a short period of time. In addition to acquiring general knowledge of the Japanese language, culture and society, the course aims to help students acquire an advanced level of Japanese language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing).

Course Focus: Speaking, Listening & Reading

Those who have studied at an advanced level for a short period of time.

Level check for Advanced 2


Online Japanese Course with On-Demand Learning Materials

This is a course that students can learn at their own pace using on-demand learning materials. Although self-study by the student is the main part of the course, TUFS will provide the support necessary to ensure the acquisition of Japanese, such as assignments, feedback on them, and once-a-month live lessons.

*The learning material used in this course, "LPLNAG", will be discontinued after the Fall 2024 course, and a new learning materials will be offered starting in the Spring 2025 course.
Details will be announced when we start accepting applications for the Spring 2025 course.

  • Levels: Elementary 1 and 2
  • Live Lesson Schedule
       JST 8PM-9:30PM
       Elementary 1: Tuesdays
       Elementary 2: Thursdays
       Course Calendar
  • Course Fee: JPY18,000
  • Maximum Capacity: 15/level
  • Learning Material Used: JPLANG
  • Instructors: Kaori Hamada, Chikako Watanabe

Online Japanese Language Course: Culture Course – Learning about Japanese Society (「日本社会を学ぶ」)

  • Course Period: October 7, 2024 - January 20, 2025
            *No classes on October 14, Nevember 4, December 30, 2024 and January 12, 2025
            Course Calendar
  • Course Day & Hour: Monday, JST 8:00pm – 9:30pm (90 min.)
  • Number of Sessions: Total of 12 sessions
  • Course Fee: JPY 11,800
  • Class Capacity: 30
  • Instructor: Yurina Hagiwara

Course Description and Eligible Participants

In this course, you will learn challenges and characteristics of contemporary Japanese society through lectures and discussions.
This course is for those who are proficient enough in Japanese to comprehend the lecture and express their views in Japanese.

Online Japanese Language Course: Culture Course - Language and Media (「ことばとメディア」)

  • Course Period: October 2 - November 6, 2024
            Course Calendar
  • Course Day & Hour: Wednesday, JST 7:30pm – 9:00pm (90 min.)
  • Number of Sessions: Total of 6 sessions
  • Course Fee: JPY 6,400
  • Capacity: 30
  • Instructor: Ryuko Taniguchi

Course Description and Eligible Participants

While learning the basics of semantics, pragmatics, and discourse analysis, students will decipher the intentions, values, ideologies, and social background behind the words used in mass media such as TV news and programs, TV commercials, newspaper articles, and advertisements.

Online Japanese Language Course: Culture Course - The Meanings of the Unspoken: Introduction to Japanese Pragmatics (「言外の意味(日本語語用論入門)」)

  • Course Period: November 13 – December 18, 2024
            Course Calendar
  • Course Day & Hour: Wednesday, JST 7:30pm - 9:00pm (90 min.)
  • Number of Sessions: Total of 6 sessions
  • Fee: JPY 6,400
  • Capacity: 30
  • Instructor: Ryuko Taniguchi

Course Description and Eligible Participants

In this course, students will learn the basic concepts of pragmatics. When communicating with others, people use different words and expressions according to the intention and purpose of the utterance, taking into consideration the relationship with the listener and the situation, etc. This course introduces the mechanism of this based on actual examples.

Online Japanese Language Course: Culture Course - Modern Japanese Literature (「日本の近現代小説を読む」)

  • Course Period: October 2 - December 18, 2024
            Course Calender
  • Course Day & Hour: Wednesday, JST 8:00pm – 9:30pm (90 min.)
  • Number of Sessions: Total of 12 sessions
  • Course Fee: JPY 11,800
  • Class Capacity: 30
  • Instructor: Michiko Kumada

Course Description and Eligible Participants

The course objective is to learn Japanese literature in modern to present times by reading works by great writers in Meiji, Taisho, Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa period.
This course is for Japanese learners whose proficiency is at advanced level, and who is not very familiar with Japanese novel reading.

Online Japanese Language Course: Culture Course - Let?s Create an Online Drama in Japanese(「オンラインで作る日本語ドラマ」)

  • Course Period: October 3- December 19, 2024
            Course Calendar
  • Course Day & Hour: Thursday, JST 8:00pm – 9:30pm (90 min.)
  • Number of Sessions: Total of 12 sessions
  • Course Fee: JPY 11,800
  • Class Capacity: 30
  • Instructor: Kozoru Miki

Course Description and Eligible Participants

In this course, participants will learn about Japanese theater culture and practice in a lecture format, then create a play in Japanese and present it online. In the process of creating a play, participants will not only learn Japanese language and expression through dialogues, but also improve their Japanese communication skills.


Once you have signed up for a course, you cannot change the course or level. There are also no refunds. Please read the course description and eligibility carefully to choose a course that fits your Japanese language level and interest.

Application Form

  • Application period: Thursday, August 1 - August 29, 2024 (JST)

*All courses follow a first come, first served policy. Applications will be closed once each course reaches maximum capacity.


Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (東京外国語大学)
TUFS Open Academy Office – Online Japanese Language and Culture Courses

Mailing Address: 3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi 183-8534 Japan

E-mail Address: oa-jpclass[at]tufs.ac.jp

*When you have questions, please contact us by e-mail.
*Please replace [at] with @.
*We do not provide technical support for online courses. Please read the instructions carefully and complete the procedure by yourself.