New Frontiers in Japanese Studies
- 刊行
- 著者等
- Akihiro Ogawa , Philip Seaton(編)
- 出版社
- Routledge
Over the last 70 years, Japanese Studies scholarship has gone through several dominant paradigms, from ‘demystifying the Japanese’, to analysis of Japanese economic strength, to discussion of global interest in Japanese popular culture. This book assesses this literature, considering future directions for research into the 2020s and beyond.
Shifting the geographical emphasis of Japanese Studies away from the West to the Asia-Pacific region, this book identifies topic areas in which research focusing on Japan will play an important role in global debates in the coming years. This includes the evolution of area studies, coping with aging populations, the various patterns of migration and environmental breakdown. With chapters from an international team of contributors, including significant representation from the Asia-Pacific region, this book enacts Yoshio Sugimoto’s notion of ‘cosmopolitan methodology’ to discuss Japan in an interdisciplinary and transnational context and provides overviews of how Japanese Studies is evolving in other Asian countries such as China and Indonesia.
New Frontiers in Japanese Studies is a thought-provoking volume and will be of great interest to students and scholars of Japanese and Asian Studies. (出版社HPより引用)

Philip Seaton(大学院国際日本学研究院 教授)
メルボルン大学の小川晃弘先生と一緒に編集した論文集です。2018年9月に国際シンポジウムを開催し、日本学の現状と将来について考慮しました。アジア太平洋地域の若手研究者を中心に、アジア中心日本学を試みました。GJO Melbourne Officeの協力を得て出したものです。