Peace and Conflict Studies, PCS
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2017年10月1日、本学大学院博士前期課程世界言語社会専攻Peace and Conflict Studiesコースは、世界各地から新しい大学院生を迎えました。Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) コースは、PCS、すなわち、平和構築?紛争予防を研究?教育するコースで、全ての授業は英語で行われています。今回のTUFS Todayでは、今年入学したPCSの新しい仲間、担当教員、授業の様子などをご紹介します!
On October 1st 2017, TUFS Graduate School’s Peace and Conflict Studies MA program welcomed new students from various parts of the world. Taught entirely in English, Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) is a division of the International Cooperation Studies Program that nurtures dedicated professionals on topics related to peace and conflict, development, and other areas of international affairs.
New PCS Students
Students were selected in part based on their commitment and ambition to utilize their research and expertise in their home countries and in the greater global society. We welcome our new PCS students as we introduce them below.
Wusu Conteh

I am Wusu Conteh, a Sierra Leonean by nationality. I hold a B.SC degree with Hons in PCS from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. I opted for the program as it’s directly related to my career path. I opted to study in Japan due to its history of good tie with Sierra Leone. TUFS offers courses on PCS and embraces students across the world. I look forward to acquiring further knowledge and skills in PCS.
Mohammed Abdulati Teeba M

“They overuse the word Peace with little efforts to make it!” Where I come from, hope is penury & I tried my best to change that by working as a volunteer for many local NGOs, but with limited to no progress. Achievers like Shinoda sensei will always inspire you to see a clearer path to take & that’s where my next chapter began as a PCS student. A step closer to change the world. I’m Teeba (Beebo) & I’m an Iraqi Veterinarian from Baghdad.
Asante Ezekiel

I am Asante Ezekiel from Ghana. Ghana is described as an Island of peace but recently engages into violent conflicts across the entire region in myriad forms. Since I do not want to see these conflicts escalating into real wars, I chose to study PCS in TUFS- Japan, reading about the History of Japan and Professors who have contributed to Peace building around the world. I expect to draw from their experiences to enable me make the world a safer and better place to live.
Han Yu

I’m HAN YU, come from China. I think it’s very lucky for me to study here, in PCS of TUFS. Before my coming, I was thinking about to ask a glass of water, while after being studied here, I think I got the whole ocean. I have passion, and PCS give me a way to use it.
Zinovev Ivan

My name is Ivan Zinovev and I am from Russia. Back in my home country I have studied international relations in Kazan federal university. Currently I am a master student at PCS course at TUFS. I love studying here a lot. I know that studying at pcs will give me a lot of opportunities in the future.
Sokolova Mariia

My name is Maria. I am from Russia. During my undergraduate study in international relations program in Kazan Federal University I came to the conclusion that there are many threats to world’s peace and stability which make human life unsafe. I am sure that PCS program will help me to understand the nature of contemporary conflicts and to gain valuable knowledge in the field of conflict resolution, as well as open up new professional horizons for me.
Kurihara Sarii

My name is Sarii Kurihara from Japan. I have had one strong desire that making this world better place to live without no wars and conflicts. Entering this PCS course put me standing that start point and all classes offered here always give me new ideas and thoughts with witch never exposed (being forced to hard work though). I’m really excited to what PCS will give and expand my horizon from now on.
Fahoum Dima

My name is Dima Fahoum, I came from Nazareth, Israel. Being an Arab citizen of Israel, and culturally a Palestinian at the same time makes me related to both of the conflict sides. Studying at TUFS PCS is very challenging and very interesting at the same time. Through my studies at PCS, I would like to contribute to the peace in my region through Japan. I consider myself lucky for having this opportunity to study here as a MEXT recipient.
Xu Chang

My name is Chang XU from China. Hope time passing slowly after I find there’re so many wonderful things in Japan. Be patient & do your best is my motto now because I really have experienced that sometimes turning point just shows himself up in the next second. Now all I want to do is taking the chance and to see what I can do for me and the world by studying in TUFS after two years.
Gonzalez Lopez Camila

My name is Camila González and I am from Spain. After completing my undergraduate studies in Political Science and Public Administration, I decided to deepen not only my knowledge but also my experience in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies; and, obviously, renowned Tokyo University of Foreign Studies was the best option for it. As the programme has already far exceeded my expectations, I hope enrolling PCS at TUFS will be one of the best decisions so far.
Kraft Nathaniel Cavil

Greetings, my name is Nate and I came to TUFS PCS from the United States. I wanted to maintain my Japanese proficiency in Japan while also studying international relations, State development, conflict, and peace-studies and therefore decided upon the PCS program. My expectations of PCS are that it will assist in my writing and research, provide me with a broader knowledge based concerning international relations as a whole, and offer me real-world experience driven advice.
松永泰行教授 / Prof. MATSUNAGA Yasuyuki

大学院1年時に、イラン?イラク戦争中のイランへ資料収集に行き、戦争や革命体制を垣間見て強い興味を覚え、その後、1991年の湾岸戦争時のアメリカのバグダードやバスラ空爆に怒りを覚え、渡米しアメリカの大学院に入学、国際関係論?政治学を研究。在イラン日本大使館専門調査員、日本大学などを経て、2008年から本学に勤務。著書『途上国における軍?政治権力?市民社会―21世紀の「新しい」政軍関係― 』(晃洋書房、2016年、共著)など多数。
When he was a graduate student majoring in Islamic philosophy, Professor Matsunaga went to Iran during the Iran-Iraq War to gather data, and became very interested in politics after catching glimpses of the war and the revolutionary regime. Subsequently, he moved to the United States to study international relations theory and political science at the graduate level. After working a cultural attahé at the Japanese embassy in Iran and an assistant professor at Nihon University, he became a professor at TUFS in 2008. Professor Matsunaga has co-authored many books such as ‘Tojoukoku ni okeru gun, seijikenryoku, shiminshakai – nijuuichiseiki no “atarashii” seigunkankei’ (‘Military, Political Power, and Civil Society – “New” Civil-Military Relations in the 21st Century” – Koyo Shobo, 2016).
伊勢﨑賢治教授 / Prof. ISEZAKI Kenji

内戦初期のシエラレオネを皮切りにアフリカ三カ国で10年間、開発援助に従事。東ティモールでは国連PKO暫定行政府の県知事を務めました。その後シエラレオネで武装解除を担い内戦の終結に貢献。日本政府特別代表としてアフガニスタンの武装解除を担当しました。2009年から本学教授。 著書『武装解除紛争屋が見た世界』(講談社現代新書、2004年)など多数。アフガニスタンにいた45歳のときにトランペットを始め、プロのジャズトランペッターとしても活躍しています。
Starting with Sierra Leone early in the civil war, Professor Isezaki has been involved in development assistance for ten years in three African countries. In East Timor he served as the prefectural governor of the United Nations PKO provisional administration. After that, he was responsible for disarmament in Sierra Leone, and contributed towards the end of the civil war. He was also in charge of disarmament in Afghanistan as a special representative of the Japanese government. Professor Isezaki has been a professor at our university since 2009. He has many published works including ‘Busoukaijo funsouya ga mita sekai’ (‘The World as Seen by a Disarmament Specialist’ – Kodansha’s New Library of Knowledge, 2004). He started learning trumpet at 45 years of age while in Afghanistan, and now moonlights as a professional jazz trumpeter.
篠田英朗教授 / Prof. SHINODA Hideaki

Since I was a student, I have been engaged in refugee relief efforts and have been dispatched as a short-term volunteer for emergency assistance to Kurdish refugees (Iran) and Somali refugees (Djibouti). During the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), I was dispatched by the Japanese government, and worked as a polling officer. After acquiring a Ph.D. in International Relations at the University of London (LSE), and after working at the University of London, Kiel University, and Hiroshima University, from 2013 I became a professor at TUFS. I am currently conducting research on peace building activities in post-conflict areas. Recently, my book ‘Shuudanteki jieiken no shisoushi – kenpou kyuujou to nichibei anpou’ (‘History of Ideas on Collective Right of Self Defense – Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution and the Security Treaty Between the United States and Japan’ – Fuko Ltd., 2016) won the 18th Yomiuri Sakuzou Yoshino Award.
The PCS Core Seminar, Global Studies, PCS Research Methodology and Thesis Seminars form the core of the MA program. Instruction includes research methods, theoretical perspectives, practical case studies and thesis writing. Students select the remaining elective credits from diverse course offerings in the topics such as Conflict and Social Change, Japan’s Security Policy and Conflict Resolution, Gender and Peace, Peace Communication to name a few. Among such, we would like to introduce the Global Campus program.

PCS グローバルキャンパスでは、平和と紛争の研究に特化した海外の複数の大学(*)とテレビ会議システムを使って同時に接続し、授業を行なっています。教室を結びつけ、著名な学者や実務家の講義を共有し、オンラインで講師や学生の対話、プレゼンテーション、ディスカッションなどを行っています。
The aim of this program is to link classrooms through interaction among several member universities (*) which are specialized in Peace and Conflict Studies, to share the lectures of prominent scholars and practitioners, and facilitate dialogue, presentation and discussion among the lecturers and students online.
Participating universities for this term are universities from Sri Lanka, Cambodia, India-Kashmir, India-Mumbai, Pakistan and TUFS
Through this course, students will be able to gain basic understanding of peace and conflict studies. It also offers the opportunity for students to nurture new perspectives towards peacebuilding and conflict
Peace and Conflict Studiesコースとは
Peace and Conflict Studiesコースは世界各地の紛争を多角的な視点?手法から専門的に研究し、紛争の解決と平和構築の諸条件や方法を探求することを目的に2004年に設置されました。50ヵ国を超える国からの留学生を迎え、すでに100名もの卒業生を送り出しています。その多くがOSCE等の国際機関、NGO、政府機関などで活躍し、また博士後期課程に進学した方も多数います。
Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) Course
Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) is an interdisciplinary research and educational program launched in 2004 that aims to fulfill the need in many parts of the world for specialists on peace and conflict, violence, peacebuilding, and other related global and transnational issues. With students from over 50 different countries, the PCS course has produced 100 graduates. Majority of these graduates go on to work for international organizations, such as the OSCE, NGOs, and government agencies, and some even continue studying to earn Ph.D.’s.