Welcome to TUFS! ~Introducing our new PCS students~

2014年10月1日、本学大学院国際協力専攻平和構築紛争予防コースは、世界各地から新しい大学院生を迎えました。平和構築紛争予防コースは、PCS、すなわち、Peace and Conflict Studiesを研究?教育するコースで、全ての授業は英語で行われています。日本で「平和構築?紛争予防」を研究し、祖国で、世界で、研究の成果を活かしていこうという大きな志をもった10名の新しい仲間です。今回のTUFS Todayでは、入学まもない皆さんに自己紹介をしていただきました。キャンパスで会ったら、ぜひ、声をかけてくださいね!
Oct. 1, 2014, TUFS Graduate School’s Peace and Conflict Studies MA program recently welcomed new students from various parts of the world. Taught in English, Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS), a division of the International Cooperation Studies Program, nurtures dedicated professionals on topics related to peace and conflict, development and other areas of international affairs. Students were selected in part based on their commitment and ambition to utilize their research and expertise in their home countries and in the greater global society. Here at “TUFS-Today” we welcome our new PCS students as we introduce them below.
Andri Wahyu Ekowati (Indonesia)

I am really proud to be one of PCS student in TUFS. There are so many people coming from all over of the world to learn together. As a PCS student, it’s a good place to learn how to make good interaction and understanding each other even outside of the class! Besides of courses, there are some Japanese cultural club activities that I can join. For me, learning local culture from local people is better and easier to deepen the understanding. Can’t wait to do some cultural activity with them. I hope my two years will be full memories with all of those!
Marie Catherine Ndeo Ndiaye (Senegal)

Studying at TUFS is a chance once in life time, and I was really happy when I knew that I was accepted at PCS course. Personnally PCS course is the most suitable graduate study program that I was looking for and it has a good match with the professionnal career I want to do in a new future. I am expecting from this study program to understand how to humans can avoid conflicts and preserve peace and from this Master program I would like to take part in peace building and peace keeping policies in the world specially in developing countries. Besides TUFS and PCS course, Japan is a country where you can learn a lot about social life, human interactions and “meet” the whole world.
Husein Sadiku (Serbia)

Recently, we are witnessing a variety of conflicts around the globe and I find it great that we are given the opportunity to study and major in Japan, at TUFS, in Peace and Conflict Studies, aiming at contributing for peace and preventing conflicts, to make the world a better and safer place to live for the coming generations.
Emmanuel Vincent Nelson Kallon (Sierra Leone)

I am Emmanuel Vincent Nelson Kallon,from Sierra Leone,one of the post war countries on the globe.
Given the fact that I had practically experienced physical war in my country, became attracted in the whole aspect of conflict mitigation and peace building approaches towards attaining world peace. This aspiration landed me in choosing a career seen in peace and conflict issues.
At PCS here in Japan, my expectation is to be able to learn the excruciating issues serving as underpinning factors to the rampant wars in the world and what new paradigm measures to utilize appropriately in containing such occurrences thereby creating a peaceful environment for human existence on earth.
At PCS, I intend focusing extensively on my educational pursuit all throughout so that my goals set out could be achieved with magna cum laude.
Creating more friends from across the continents currently studying different disciplines here at TUFS is also considered intrinsically by me as it would help in creating a platform for appropriately proffering solutions to global issues as they arise.
I am very much grateful to the government and people of Japan for providing me a scholarship to achieve my academic thirst. It is a country well accommodating, safe to live, always ready to help, beautiful culture and above all a cradle for academic excellence.
Sandunika Hasangani (Sri Lanka)

As an individual who comes from a severely conflict affected country which now seeks new dimensions of post-conflict peacebuilding and reconciliation, I am blessed to study Peace and Conflict Studies here at TUFS. Japan, being a very peaceful, culturally rich and prosperous country is in fact one of the best places for Peace Studies as I perceive. Also, the study program provides an extensive opportunity for research and I am intending to maximize that opportunity to be a professional in this field.
Kimberly Yamaguchi (Micronesia)

My academic plan and expectations at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Graduate Program on Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) is to expand my knowledge on global issues and challenges and to share the gained knowledge in hopes of impacting or positively contributing to a society’s development. I hope to share information on modern societal issues on globalization and gain solutions to problems that societies are facing today, especially problems that exist in my home country, the Federated States of Micronesia. I want to bring attention to the growing peace and conflict issues and problems in the Pacific Islands and how these conflicts relate to other societies globally. My ultimate goal is to give back to my community and country by utilizing all the skills and knowledge I attained from PCS at TUFS.
Aligholikhamseh Nayereh (Iran)

It doesn’t make any difference from which continent we are; no matter in what religion we believe; makes no difference black or white, East or West, man or woman, high educated or illiterate… when it comes to the TEARS of a defenseless innocent child…”all these “LABELS” seem meaningless. From this point of view we are all human with equal right for a peaceful life…Dear friends, we are the representatives of our nations gathering in TUFS, let’s start peace and love from this small society hoping to expand it to each of our home country…maybe sometimes in the near future PEACE warmly embraced all the nations all around the world.
Albahri Imad Eddin (Syria)

I came to Japan, Tokyo university of Foreign Studies one year ago as an exchange student after studying a lot about Japanese language, literature and traditions in my home university Damascus University.
Now I consider myself so lucky after being accepted again in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies as MA student in PCS course.
I am looking forward to start learning in academic way taught by experienced Professors and I promise that I will do my best for the PCS MA course hoping that I will not let you down.
Chiaki Takenouchi (Japan)

I decided to study at PCS because of the unique environment it offers. The diversity of the fellow classmates’ and professors’ background is larger than I expected, the courses taught here cover wide range of fields of studies, and I expect to learn a lot from everyone’s previous experiences and class discussions.
Although Japan is becoming behind the neighbouring Asian countries in her contribution to the international community, I feel that she has a lot to offer. I intend to steal the positive aspects of Japanese values by returning to my roots, and this experience will hopefully enable me to become a Japanese representative who can contribute largely to the peace building process in the world.
