Giving refugees a chance to study!
-An interview with Henri, an exchange student who established a refugee assistance program
本学の現代アフリカ地域研究センターでは、アフリカからの留学生を増やすため、企業からのご協力を得たり、クラウドファンディング企画を行ったりして、アフリカから来る留学生のための航空運賃を支援しています。2020年春にはクラウドファンディング企画「第2弾! 紛争を乗り越えて。ルワンダの大学から留学生を招こう」を行い、2人の若者(アンリ?ファブリス?ンダイゼイェさんとジャスタス?テンボさん)の「日本に留学したい!」という夢をかなえました。2人は2021年7月まで交換留学生として本学で学びます。
The African Studies Center at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (ASC-TUFS) has been trying to increase the number of exchange students who study at TUFS from African countries through support from companies and crowdfunding projects. Last fall, we were able to invite two students from the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS) in Rwanda by supporting their airfares and a part of their life expenses with funds that we collected through a crowdfunding project. Their names are Henri Fabrice Ndayizeye and Justus Thembo, and they will study at TUFS until July 2021.

ブルンジ出身であるアンリさんは、2015年に政情不安により母国からルワンダに逃れ、2018年から同国にあるプロテスタント人文?社会科学大学(PIASS)で平和紛争学を学んでいます。アンリさんは、PIASSに入学してすぐに、自分と同じブルンジ難民を中心とした若者の大学入学をサポートする「Enough is a little」というプログラムを立ち上げました。そして彼は今、ある難民の若者が大学へ通う夢を実現させるためにクラウドファンディング企画で資金を募っています。自分自身も決して余裕のある暮らしを送っているわけではないなかで、なぜ他の若者のために資金集めをしようとしているのか? 彼のこれまでの活動と今後について話を聞きました。
Henri is a Burundian who fled to Rwanda in 2015 due to political instability in Burundi and studies at the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at PIASS since 2018. Soon after entering PIASS, he founded a program called “Enough is a little” to support young refugees wanting to study at university. Henri is currently raising funds for a young refugee, Claude, to study at PIASS from this February. We interviewed Henri about his project and prospects.
——Could you tell us your background before entering PIASS?
In 2015, I fled from Burundi which was politically unstable to Rwanda with my father and three young brothers. It was June 26th. My mother and two sisters are still in Burundi. Before fleeing to Rwanda, I was a high school student, and I was able to continue my studies in Rwanda because my grades were good and a non-government organization “Maison Shalom” supported my life expenses, transportation and tuition fees in a boarding school outside the refugee camp. However, it was challenging for me to study at a Rwandan high school. In Burundi, our official language is French and we learn in French at school, whereas we learn in English in Rwanda. At that time, I couldn’t understand English, so I had to take classes in English and learn the language at the same time. I studied really really hard and was able to graduate in 2017.

——Did you enter PIASS right after graduating high school?
No. I went back to the refugee camp and stayed there for 10 months. During that time, I applied for scholarships for various universities in Rwanda and finally won the one from PIASS. It is not easy for refugees to go to university. We are ineligible for scholarships from the Rwandan government, and even if we were able to receive a scholarship from a private university or a non-governmental organization, opportunities are limited compared to the number of refugees in need. Besides, most of the scholarships cover only tuitions, which means we have to manage life expenses by ourselves. Fortunately, at PIASS, I continuously got support from “Maison Shalom”, so financial matters had not been an issue for me. However, they told me that they had financial problems and were not able to continue supporting me since last October, so I will have to find a way to continue my study at PIASS after going back to Rwanda in July.

——どういった経緯で「Enough is a little」プログラムを立ち上げたのですか?
——What motivated you to establish the “Enough is a little” program?
いろんな大学の奨学金を申請するときに、大学探しや願書の作成などを手伝ってくれるブリッジプログラムを利用したのですが、それにとても助けられて。それで、自分も同じように、でも私の場合は難民の若者を対象に、難民たちの大学進学を手助けしたいと思ったんです。「ほんの少し(little)の助けで十分(enough)なんだ」という意味で、「Enough is a little」という名前にしました。
When I was applying for scholarships for various universities, some bridge programs helped me a lot to find universities and to prepare the necessary documents. So, it came across my mind that it would be helpful for other young refugees if I could help them to apply for scholarships with my knowledge and experience. I named the program “Enough is a little” since any “little” help can be “enough” for young refugees.
——How do you help young refugees specifically?
I collect scholarship information and provide it to young refugees who want to go to university, and give them advice about how to write their application forms and also check them. It’s like a coordinator job. Because I won a scholarship as a refugee, I can give effective advice from a refugee’s perspective. I have helped 50 refugees so far, and 12 were able to go to university.
——Could you tell us about the fundraising project you’re currently doing?
It is a project to collect life expenses for a young refugee called Claude who will enter PIASS from this February. He has won the scholarship from PIASS, but it covers only the tuition and health insurance fee. So, I decided to collect 2,000,000 RWF (approx. 230,000 JPY) as his life expenses for 30 months and money to buy a laptop. Two Japanese students who studied at PIASS in 2020 are helping me, and we will continue the project until the end of February. It is my first challenge to help a young refugee financially.

——What are your future plans?
If this fundraising project succeeds, I want to find other possibilities for financial support. I also want to consider sending young refugees to universities not only in Rwanda but also all over the world. Actually, some refugees get scholarships from universities outside of Rwanda, but they have to give up the opportunity because some scholarships don’t cover enough or because they can’t enter these countries with refugee passports. However, I can make use of my experience and hopefully send refugees to foreign universities in the near future. I will also help young people who are not specifically refugees. I think this will bring refugees and non-refugees together and give them an opportunity to help each other.

——Finally, could you tell us what your dream is?
…正直、分かりません。今のルワンダでは、大学を卒業しても確実に職を得られるわけではありません。収入がなければ難民キャンプから出ることはできないですし。でも、難民の若者たちをサポートする活動は続けていきたい。「Enough is a little」は私ひとりでやっているプログラムですが、私がサポートした若者たちがまた別の若者をサポートする、というように、自然に支援の輪が広がっているんです。そうやって、ひとりでも多くの難民の若者たちに大学で学べるチャンスを与えられたらいいなと思っています。
To be honest, it is hard to answer this question… In Rwanda, as a developing country, it is not very easy to find a job even for those who have graduated universities. When it comes to refugees, we can’t live outside of the refugee camp unless we have income. But, I definitely want to continue the “Enough is a little” program. Although I am the only member of the program, people who have entered universities with my help can support others receive scholarships and enter universities. The circle of support is continuously expanding. I hope I can give the chance to study at university to as many young people as possible.
Please visit the following website for more details about Henri’s ongoing crowdfunding project.
For more information on the African Studies Center’s efforts to bring international students to Japan, please refer to the following page.